
Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014...

Christmas Eve-Eve the grandkids, minus the seven month old, 
came to our house for the annual night of dipping pretzels in chocolate and white chocolate.

A wonderful, sticky, sweet time was had by all.
Afterwards, we cleaned up and went out for pizza at our favorite old school
 Portland pizza place that has been around since 1965.

Christmas Eve evening we went to our oldest daughter's house 
and enjoyed her homemade chili and jalapeño poppers.  
We loved being there for their Advent reading of Unwrapping the Greatest Gift
 and singing some carols together accompanied by my son-in-law on the guitar.
All was not calm or silent, however.
The girls were full of sugar cookies and excitement for Christmas morning to come!

Christmas morning I asked God to keep me in His peace, as I was still not fully back to normal from last week's bout with the flu, 
and I had pushed myself a bit too hard preparing for the big day.
He heard and answered!
I had the best day.
It was hectic and happy, frantic and fun, busy and beautiful, 
crowded, crazy and Christmas-y perfection!

We were blessed to have all of our children and grandchildren home for Christmas this year.
The day began with everyone arriving and opening their Christmas stockings.
After stockings, my husband read the annual blessing that he writes for our children.
Then we had Christmas breakfast which is always-
sausage balls, (made by my southern son-in-law)
hard boiled eggs
cheese grits
homemade cinnamon cranberry bread toast.
Christmas breakfast is always casual with paper plates, etc.
Fancy table setting is saved for Christmas dinner.

Then comes opening the gifts!

"It's my first Christmas everybody!
Nana and Papa got me lots of fun toys and one boring outfit!"

"I'm only seven months old, but pull myself up to standing already!"

I had my good friend make our three daughters custom made chef's aprons.
I was so happy that they liked them!

Our two oldest daughters gave us professional photos of the grandkids!

Five year old granddaughter got a Melissa and Doug toy horse stable and trailer
 and real leather cowboy boots from us.

Oldest grandson got just what he wanted, a Lego Mini Cooper and a Seahawks shirt!

 Oldest granddaughter's love language is quality time, so she got two small gifts
 and a "golden ticket" for an overnight getaway with Papa and Nana.

Youngest granddaughter got an American Girl "Bitty Baby" that has dark hair and blue eyes
 just like she had when she was a born.

For Christmas dinner we moved furniture and made one long table to hold all 15 of us.
Our youngest daughter got engaged last week, 
so we were especially happy to have her fiancé and his parents join us.

Dinner was-
Potatoes roasted with bacon and leeks, (made by my oldest daughter)
Spinach Salad with candied walnuts, dried cranberries, feta cheese and balsamic vinegrette
Roasted beets with goat cheese, (made by my oldest daughter)
Homemade dinner rolls, (youngest daughter helped me make those)
and dessert was
Homemade Chocolate Lava Cakes, (youngest daughter helped me make these too)
Homemade Peppermint Ice Cream, (made by my oldest daughter)

Afterwards, my daughter's future in-laws taught us a fun new card game called "Scum".

After the gang all left, I took a nice relaxing bubble bath 
and went to bed and watched one of my favorite Christmas movies, The Preacher's Wife.
And just like that, Christmas 2014 was over...
now onto wedding planning for a May wedding!

still following,


  1. What a precious time you had! Your family is so lovely, Elizabeth. How fully the Lord has blessed you.

    Next year I'm coming over to dip some pretzels myself!


    1. Sharon, wouldn't that be fun to meet face to face and dip some pretzels in chocolate together?

  2. Looks like a day filled with fun, family and love! (ours was much quieter as we don't have family in the area...)

    1. Jill, As your girls grow up and get married and have children, your quiet little Christmas will look like our wild and crazy one!

  3. Elizabeth, You are so blessed to have your family with you for the holidays. Our day is much quieter with no one here but Bob, Mom and myself. I am envious of you (but I know I am not supposed to be). Most of all, I am happy that you felt well enough to enjoy your day. Your family is beautiful. Thanks for sharing the pictures.


    1. Every other year we are all together for Christmas. I love it! On the years when we're not together on Christmas, then we are all together for Thanksgiving.

  4. What a blessing for you to have your family with you. We had a quiet Christmas Eve - which was not what had been planned - and a quiet Christmas Day with my dear mother. Your menu and all of your activities were wonderful. Glad you were well enough to enjoy your day.

    1. Adrienne, God truly did bless me with strength and energy on Christmas day!

  5. So glad you got to feeling well enough to enjoy the day! Looks like it was a wonderful Christmas for you all! I love all of the special meaning that you put into the day for your family!

    1. It was a great Christmas. Love you and miss you!

  6. A wonderful Christmas! So glad you are well, and congratulations on being the Mother of the Bride this spring! :)

    1. Ginger, God is so good. Our youngest will be 32 when she gets married, and there were many prayers and tears to the Lord during her long season of waiting for God to bring the right one into her life.

  7. Oh, Elizabeth! That was the Christmas I DIDN'T have this year :) Your photos and words capture much of the tradition, joy, planning, and spontaneity of a family Christmas! How special.

    1. Rebecca, I'm so grateful to have had all of my family home for Christmas. I know that it's a blessing not to be taken for granted.

  8. You had a wonderful Christmas time of togetherness and memory-making. That is what it's all about, isn't it? Your grands are all adorable. But you already knew that. Now, Happy New Year to you and your family.

  9. It looks like fun for all.
    The first picture, of your blond granddaughter, looks just like YOU!!!.....(minus the icing on the face....or...maybe not!!!)
    Thank you for sharing your family and thoughts.
    May God bless each one of you in 2015!!!

    1. Addie, I think she's the spitting image of my husband! It's fun that you see me in her.


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