
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Christmas Week gratitude...

It's been a rich and full week.
I'm happily worn out from it all, but full of gratitude and thanks!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-feeling much better today
-getting the house clean after the last few days of neglect due to the flu
-Whitney Houston's Joy to the World playing while I cleaned
-a friend from church stopping by with a Christmas present

-God meeting me right where I am during my devotions
 (by His grace, even after not prioritizing time with Him like I should have the last couple of days)
-baking another batch of cinnamon cranberry bread to give away
-the two oldest grands coming over to help Papa with some yard work 
-oldest granddaughters "perma-grin" when I took her to get a pedicure
-all of the grandkids, (except the seven month old), coming over
for the annual tradition of dipping pretzels in chocolate and white chocolate

-going to Pizza Baron together afterwards

-a slow and lazy Christmas eve morning with the hubs
-God's continuing work in my heart
-visiting with my neighbor after finding out that her husband died on Monday-(prayers for her appreciated)
-going to our oldest daughter's house for Christmas eve

-reading Unwrapping the Greatest Gift with our daughter's family and
 singing Silent Night while my son-in-law played the guitar
(lest it sounds too idyllic, the girls were wild, crazy and excited for Christmas!)
-having everything all ready for Christmas and actually getting to bed at a reasonable hour

-Christ the Savior is born!
-the hubs reading our annual blessing for our kids
-everyone liked their gifts
-having my daughter's finance and his parents join us for Christmas dinner
-dinner for 15 went smoothly
-learning a new, fun card game
-after everyone left, taking a nice, relaxing hot bubble bath and watching The Preacher's Wife

-staying at home in my pjs all day puttering around and putting away Christmas decor and decluttering

-my wool blanket from Prince Edward Island from my husband

-the canvas print of the grandkids from my daughters

-my oldest daughter and her family coming over to eat Christmas leftovers and staying for a nice visit

-God's faithful provision
-texting back and forth with my hubs about a scripture God was speaking to me through
-going out together for Vietnamese pho soup when the hubs got home from the office
-falling asleep early for a change

-friends from Hope City coming to our church since they didn't have a service today
-God's presence as we worship Him
-my sister and her hubs stopping by to see me on their way through town

gratefully yours,


  1. I always love your list, Elizabeth. Thank you for inspiring me to keep my own; I made it to 1010 by Christmas! :)

  2. As always, I looked forward to reading your gratitude list this morning. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Always a lovely and inspiring list, Elizabeth. Your insight serves as guidance. I'm learning to be thankful and have gratitude for His plan, even when His plan doesn't go along with my humanness. Love your candor about the reading not being too idyllic...Blessings to you and yours in 2015. ~Zuni

    1. Zuni, So happy to hear from you. Boy, my granddaughters were wild and crazy on Christmas Eve. I thought they were going to knock the advent candles over! Too many sugar cookies!

  4. What a great practice, Elizabeth! something to think about for 2015! Absolutely loved your Christmas photos! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. June, counting my blessings has been a life changing habit!

  5. I love seeing what God is doing in your life and family. Your list is always such an encouragement to keep being thankful!

    1. Thank you, friend. Keep counting your blessings!


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