
Monday, December 22, 2014

Cinnamon Cranberry Bread...

(texture- Kim's touch of texture, difference, 15% opacity)

After three lost days due to being in a cold/flu fog, 
today was spent trying to catch up on the countdown to Christmas to-do list.

(texture-Kim's 2303, lighten, 20% opacity)

While reality necessitated letting some of my pre-Christmas goals remain undone,
(like putting a fresh coat of paint on my chipping kitchen cabinets; what was I thinking?),
baking some of my Cinnamon Cranberry Bread was a must do in my opinion.

 ( desat 20, texture-Kim's elevate, hardlight, 20% opacity)

Another must is having some of this bread toasted and smeared with orange marmalade on Christmas morning.

(desat 20, texture-Kim's day texture, multiply mode, 50% opacity) 

The recipe can be found here.
 (You can also see, that while I've still got much to learn,
my photography has improved since that post!)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Ooh, that looks good!!
    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth!

  2. I need to check out your recipe. It looks and sounds delicious.

  3. I've been thinking of making bread and lemon and cranberries are my favorite accent. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Merry Christmas!

  4. Delicious - I can almost smell the yumminess! Glad you're feeling better, but don't overdo it!!

    Wishing you and yours a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May your home be filled with His love, joy, and peace.


  5. Ohhh, can I come over and have a piece of that bread toasted with marmalade on Christmas morning? I'll be real quiet - I promise!!! That looks wonderful. I'll have to try it. Sending hugs and wishes for a wonderful Christmas to you and your family.

  6. Glad that you are putting the cold stuff behind you and you can enjoy the activities of the season, Beautiful food photography again, Elizabeth!

  7. Oh, I love fresh bread, and a great idea you've given for Christmas morning. I love toasting it under the oven broiler and then applying cinnamon, but may have to do the marmalade. I too have painting on my to do list since Fall. I have the paint purchased, now just need to get me in gear. It's happening the first of the year now. :) Thanks so much for stopping by Peabea's Patch. Have a great Christmas and glad you're feeling better.

  8. Wonderful. Please cut a slice or two for me. Beautiful series of photos.

  9. Oh yum ! Your photos are mouth watering ! I'm glad you're better in time for Christmas :)

    Merry Christmas !

  10. Your bread is surely a Christmas morning favorite. I'll admit that I cheat and buy a similar bread at our local bakery, but your recipe actually looks like something I might be able to make myself. Freshly baked bread is truly one of life's most comforting pleasures. Beautiful photos, too!

  11. Looks yummy! I can see that your photography has improved, but it was pretty good with that post too. It's all the work you've done with Kim's classes!! :)


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