
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Friday Faves...Christmas dining room 2014

I've shown you a bit of my kitchen, my entryway and my living room.
Now welcome to the dining room of my wee little house!
In the photo above is my dish cabinet with some open shelves above, 
and my little Christmas tree that I use to count down to Christmas 
by adding a tag with a title of Jesus for each day in December until Christmas day.

that help block the view of the side of my refrigerator and also add lots of storage.

Here is another photo of the corner of my dining room.
You can see a peek of the "sleigh rides and Christmas trees" sign that I made last year,
hanging over the dining room window.
You can also see my Target boxwood wreath layered over my chalkboard.

Here's a  close up photo taken last year of my homemade Christmas sign.

Some of my Universal China Woodvine pattern sits on the open shelves.

The top of the dish cabinet holds a wooden caddy with some of my Christmas transferware dishes inside. 

On my dining room table, this old wooden tote holds some ironstone, a couple of holiday cookbooks,
and some holly.

I hoped you enjoyed seeing my Christmas-y dining room!

It's almost Friday, friends!
On Friday, the hubs and I have an annual pastors' Christmas luncheon to attend,
then we are going on a date to a concert downtown in the evening!
Whatever you are doing, 
I pray that you have 
a safe and BLESSED weekend!

Also linking to All Things Heart and Home


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Elizabeth, love you CHRISTmas decor! So warm & festive! Enjoy your day tomorrow & your evening. Blessings my friend ❤️

    1. Thank you so much, my friend! And thank you for the sweet Christmas card!

  2. Elizabeth, Everything looks so warm and inviting. Have a wonderful date day with your hubby. I hope these winds die down by then.

    1. We did have a WONDERFUL day and I'm so glad after feeling so rotten the day before with an awful migraine!

  3. I really did enjoy your pretty touches of Christmas in your dining room. Love the variety of greens you used.
    Mary Alice

    1. Thanks so much, Mary Alice. You're a blessing!

  4. It's lovely, as always. Happy Friday! We're having a Friday birthday dinner for our two December adult birthdays at my place. Should be fun.

    1. Hope your dinner was a time of rich fellowship and blessing, Dayle!

  5. Elizabeth, your home truly is warm & inviting - in every corner, every room. I LOVE the old scale!!!! Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much, friend. I love that old scale as well.

  6. I am getting so many great ideas, seeing all your lovely crafts and decorations! Your Christmas dishes are just beautiful. I need to dig mine out and get them ready. Have a great luncheon and enjoy your concert!

    1. Anne, the online world is full of decor inspiration. My favorites are ones that I think, "I know I could do something like that with out spending a lot of money or with something I already have!"

  7. danke für die wunderschönen inspirationen, liebe grüße von angie und einen schönen freitag!!!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment!

  8. Your dining room is as wonderful as the rest of your house. I can just visualize it all - almost as good as being there with you! Thank you for the tour. Have a great date night at the concert with your hubby.

    1. Love you, friend. We had a great time at the concert!

  9. Beautiful! So warm and welcoming!

  10. So sweet and festive! Merry Christmas.


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