
Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Faves....Knockoff Anthropologie Wool Pom Pom Wreath

I usually post my Friday Favs on Thursday afternoon, 
but instead Thursday morning I woke up with a sore throat, 
and by Thursday afternoon I was in my pajamas in bed.

The day wasn't a total wash, however, as I sat in bed making pom poms and watching Gilmore Girls on netflix.
(Oh, the frustrations of seasons 6 and 7 and the train wreck you know awaits Luke and Lorelai!
Yet, I've watched every episode a shameless number of times.)

The inspiration for my pom pom wreath came from Anthropologie's wool pom pom wreath.
I think it costs upwards of $150, and no matter how fluffy and soft it is, 
there's no way I'm spending that on a wreath.
When Jill Hinson made one herself,  she inspired me to give it a go.
I used the same thick and chunky wool-ease yarn she recommended which worked perfectly.
I chose to place the pom poms randomly on my wreath and I am really pleased with how it turned out.
It's so fluffy!

Getting my wreath done meant that one week before Christmas I changed my Christmas mantel decor.
Sick or not, that's how I roll.
My creative ideas won't let me rest until they're accomplished!
I think the wreath and snowflakes will be appropriate decor through January.

And I made a few extra pom poms to hang on this felted wool ball garland.

I hope these last few days until Christmas find you healthy and well and full of God's peace.
I'm hunkering down again today, chewing on Airborne and chugging down orange juice and hot lemonade.
By tomorrow I hope to be up and around.

Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
and a 
safe and BLESSED weekend!

Also linking to All Things Heart and Home


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Love, love, love this, Elizabeth! Please get better soon. Love and prayers coming your way!

    1. I'm much, much better today. Thank you for your prayers!

  2. It's totally adorable! Merry Christmas and hope you're all better very soon.

    1. Thanks, Dayle! I'm much better today, thank God! I'm glad you like the pom-pom wreath I made. I'm a bit smitten, too.

  3. I love the wreath and garland. I bet it was fun to make. I am praying that you will feel better soon.


    1. It really was fun to make, Debbi! And, praise God, I was well enough to go to church today and feel almost back to normal!

  4. So pretty and inspirational. I enjoy your sweet blog and hope to check back soon and find you feeling better.
    Christmas blessings!

    1. I am doing better, Tammy! I'm looking forward to having you stop back here!

  5. I have pom-pom wreath envy, Elizabeth! It's gorgeous!! If you ever decide to make one to sell, I'll be first in line.
    Sure hope you're feeling better...not a good time of year to be sick.
    Wishing you a very blessed Christmas season.
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, it certainly wouldn't cost as much as Anthro's if I did. I'm feeling much better today, which is good. Lots of Christmas stuff still to do.

  6. Hope you feel better soon Elizabeth!
    Your wreath is so pretty ~ I went to Anthro the other day and it was very inspiring!

    1. Sandi, I'm much better today! Anthro certainly is so inspiring, now if I just had an unlimited budget to match!

  7. Take care of yourself and get well, dear friend! I love the way you put your wreath together and the pom-poms you added to the garland are just right.

    1. Adrienne, I woke up today feeling much, much better! I'm so thankful!

  8. I am so sorry you are sick! May God make you well...speedily! And your wreath! Oh, it is SO beautiful! What a neat and clever idea!!! So happy to "meet" you today. Much love and many blessings to you and yours at Christmas.

    1. Praise God, I am much better! Thanks for your kind comment on my fun pom-pom wreath.

  9. I love the wreath! What did you use for the frame? You are a very talented lady and I'm always encouraged by your words! I've shared them many times to encourage a group of women battling chronic illness.
    I pray you are totally healed by the time you read these words! God bless you, my friend. ❤️

    1. Susan, I woke up well enough to go to church and felt better and better as the day progressed! Hallelujah! I hot glued the pom-poms to an old straw like wreath, but you could also tie them to a wire wreath form.

  10. What a gorgeous and unique wreath! Love the color and how you hung it in front of a mirror. Perfect!

  11. This wreath is really pretty - so puffy and pure white!


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