
Sunday, December 21, 2014

When the answer finally comes...

Last April I stood by my kitchen sink and a prayer rose out of my heart to God.  My youngest daughter had just turned 31 and I told God I was tired of asking Him to bring the right guy into her life.  I told Him I was losing hope about it all.  We had walked with our daughter through a broken engagement and through other relationships that she thought might be the one but left her hurt and disappointed.  The older she got people began to pressure her to try online matchmaking services, but it never felt right to her.  She wanted to wait, to pray, to trust God.  She even had people tell her that God would understand if she lowered her moral standards since she had already waited so long!  At times not having someone wore on her.  Holidays, Valentine's day, another birthday ticking by, were reminders that she was still alone.  The heartache I felt for her was familiar, because I'd prayed and cried for my oldest daughter as she endured infertility for 10 years.  There's no hurt like the hurt a mother feels when her child is hurting and there's not a thing you can do about it.  My youngest daughter once voiced to her sister, "there's one difference between what I'm going through and what you went through. If God hadn't given you a miracle and you hadn't had the girls, you would have still had a husband.  But for me, if I don't have a husband, I won't get to have children either."  My heart broke hearing this.  As I stood by the kitchen sink, I let God know I needed His help to keep on believing, to keep on asking Him to send my girl the desire of her heart.  

I was still standing there by the kitchen sink when the phone rang.  It was my youngest daughter.  "Mom, I want to tell you something.  I'm dating someone I met at church."  You can imagine the significance to me this conversation had in light of the mental conversation I'd just had with God.  Well, last week that "guy from church" asked my husband if he had my husband's blessing to ask our daughter to marry him and last night he proposed to her and she said yes.  They will be getting married in May.  

Keep praying, keep asking, keep hoping...and when you lose hope, when your faith falters, be honest about it.  "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief" is not an oxymoron.  It's actually quit a common spiritual condition.  God included this in the Proverbs for a reason, "hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life".  He knows that waiting is hard.  But He's also the God who promises that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires and secret petitions of our heart.  And He does.  He really does.


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a sweet note from my husband
-a pre-Christmas getaway to the beach
-safe travels

-a beautiful December morning to walk on the beach

-being able to laugh about a really disappointing restaurant lunch
-relaxing and reading

-our second born's 14th anniversary!
-a safe drive home
-making pom-poms while watching Scrooge

-the anticipation-Christmas is only a week away!
-making plans with my girl
-the hubs taking care of me when I started getting sick

-lying sick in bed and hearing my husband rummaging around in the kitchen,
asking him what he was doing and finding out he removed the microwave vent to clean it,
(so random! but it makes me laugh and love him)
-the hubs bringing me hot pho soup from our favorite Vietnamese restaurant

-catching up on my Advent reading
-these words, "my soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior"

-feeling well enough to get up and do a bit of laundry
-my girl is engaged!
-answered prayer

-feeling well enough to go to church
-Christmas carols and communion
-the love of our church family
-lunch afterwards with friends and family
-the two youngest granddaughters in their Christmas dresses

-a great turnout at Hope City's Christmas dinner/outreach
 (our son-in-law's church, our church plant)
-all the people from Truelife that volunteered to help

gratefully yours,


  1. Elizabeth, God is faithful! I am so excited about your daughter's engagement. Congratulations, and Merry Christmas!

  2. Such a thrill about your daughter's engagement. Only a mother understands how painful it is to watch our children suffer and not be able to help. It can be so hard to hold on to faith and hope (been there many times).

    Grateful God understands our humanity.

  3. A most exciting time for you & your family, Elizabeth! Aren't they just the cutest! May God bless this time of planning. Merry Christmas to you all!

  4. Oh, what a lovely testimony to God's provision and His care for us! I struggled with infertility. I know the value of placing trust in Him and waiting no matter how hard. Congratulations to them!

    I hope you are all better now.

    And that granddaughter looks like she's praising the fitting. ;)

  5. Oh, my dear friend. Even though I knew about your daughter's engagement I sat here and the tears poured down my face as I read of answered prayer. I'm so excited for her. They are a beautiful couple and I can't wait to hear what wonderful things God has planned for them. Thank you for the encouragement to hang on and keep believing when the answer doesn't come. God is so faithful!

  6. God is GOOD all the time - even better when it's on His timeline rather than ours. So happy for her and you...

    Merry Christmas, friend. We should get together in the new year : )

  7. So happy to hear your daughter has been blessed with the gift of a godly man!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Mary Alice

  8. Loved reading this Good News report! So thrilled for your daughter--for your whole family.

    So much love,

  9. This made me smile!! Congratulations to your daughter, and to your whole family! And yes, I know the joy you feel. Through the years, I had many prayers about my oldest son, and tears, and reaching to God with my whole heart for him to find "his person.' Last night we celebrated an extended family Christmas, and my heart was full as I looked at him and his dear wife of a year. How my heart soared with joy for them. Now, prayers are storming Heaven on behalf of my youngest! But, I know how quickly and fully God can answer prayer, and I am going to wait on Him as best I can!

    My very best wishes to you and yours for a very MERRY CHRISTMAS! May your home be filled with His love, joy, and peace!


  10. Congratulations to the newly engaged couple. (God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him.) Your daughters are blessed to have you as their prayer warrior. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and pictures.


  11. Oh the pain the mother endures with her child. At times I've felt that my heart would literally burst into as I watched my daughter hurt when her husband had cancer. He is cancer free for 7 years but then the infertility issues and waiting with 7 IUIs and a miscarriage. She just delievered her miracle baby, 6 weeks early, healthy and better everyday. I remember reading one day about Hagar and how she prayed for her child and left him to die and God answered even though he was not the child of promise. I literally threw myself on the sofa and cried out to the Lord as daggers seemed to pierce my heart, "You are a God who sees. If you see, you know my hurt and the ache of my heart." Shortly after my daughter conceived. God is good, isn't he even in our unbelief. Congratulations and praises to God! What a Christmas gift!

  12. Blessings for your family, Elizabeth! It's a wonderful pre-Christmas gift!

  13. Elizabeth, Your story is a testament to faith. I'm so happy for your daughter and for your entire family as you prepare to welcome your new son. And those sweet granddaughters - faces of joy! How many of us have prayed at the kitchen sink? I know I have . . . and prayers are answered.

  14. sweet congratulations on the upcoming marriage celebration. God is so faithful to give us the desires of our hearts... excellent reminder. bless you.


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