
Sunday, December 7, 2014

"Let every heart prepare Him room..."

To show my gratitude to all of you who follow, who read, who comment,
here is a free download of the "let every heart prepare Him room" image that I made.
I printed it on good watercoloring paper, then trimmed it afterwards to fit in an 8x10 frame.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-that when I am weak, He is strong
-listening to a podcast while I ran that spoke clearly to right what I was struggling with
-a car full of friends and my oldest granddaughter going to our church's annual Ladies' Christmas dinner
-a fun time was had by all

-boxwood wreaths

-texts from a friend

-celebrating our youngest granddaughters third birthday,
(since we were apart on the actual day)

-our youngest grandson, aka Speedy Gonzales, who crawls all over the place now

-a really nice dinner and visit with our youngest daughter's boyfriend's parents

-a really good night's sleep after not sleeping great for a while
-catching up on some stuff I was behind on
-a really wonderful time of prayer and worship
-holding youngest grandson during our worship and prayer service
-a young woman in our church healed

-a great Friday date day
-finding the perfect Christmas present for five year old granddaughter
-facetiming with my daughter so she could show me how youngest grandson
 has discovered there's a whole house to crawl around, not just the living room
-a beautiful full moon

-reading the prophecies of Jesus' first coming and of His second coming in the Bible

-the Hubs helping me with some chores
-a great walk after feeling a little puny this morning
-our dear Ghanaian friend making us delicious Ghanaian peanut butter soup
-the two oldest grands plotting together and writing us a note requesting to have a sleepover at our house, 
(we said yes)
-watching a movie and munching popcorn together

-testimonies of God's healing
-the encouragement of God's presence and word
-a fun time of fellowship over lunch
-my nephew's fortieth birthday

gratefully yours,


  1. Aren't our blessings many. Thanks for sharing them. I've started reading the Bible through and I've gotten way behind on the gratitude journal. It should go together, huh. Don't you just love the Santa mugs. I'm looking everywhere for them. I decided to collect this year and I have 5 now. Fun!

    1. Counting my blessings has been life changing for me. And yes, I love the vintage santa mugs and now have 9!

  2. He can't be crawling already!? Peanut butter soup sounds yummy.

    1. And pulling himself up too! He'll be seven months on Friday, and as a premie should be behind, but he sure isn't!

  3. I love so many of these, but I have to tell you that the plotting of the sleepover made me smile the most.

    1. I'm glad my grandkids love to come over, even if, on occasion, they wear me out!

  4. I love to hear of the blessings in your life! I'm always encouraged and inspired to see your photos and have a peek into what's happening with you. Love the printable 'gift' you've shared with us and a chance to see more of your decorations. Can't believe that baby is crawling already.

    1. You're a blessing on my list, too! And I can't believe our grandson is crawling already either, and now pulling himself to standing, too! He will be 7 months on Friday.

  5. Beautiful grandkiddos and love your blessings. So grateful you are faithful to do this. Such a gift still.

    1. I'm blessed and counting my blessings has confirmed that to the depths of my soul!


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