
Sunday, December 14, 2014

O Come Let Us Adore Him...

I know better.
A busy day always goes better when I take the time to start it with time with God
reading His Word and praying.
Yesterday, Saturday, I had some chores I wanted to get done,
some errands to run,
some Christmas baking to do.
I got up and dove right into the busyness, 
telling myself I would have my time with God later.
I got done with my stuff at 10 pm and took a hot bath and went right to bed,
disappointed in myself for letting my own agenda crowd out my time with Him.
This afternoon, following church and lunch and a baby shower,
I had another list of things I wanted to get done,
but this time I chose the best thing first!
He's worthy of my time, my adoration, my everything.
I'm so thankful He doesn't shun me when I mess up,
but the minute I turn to Him, He's there waiting for me.
I don't want the busyness of the season to rob me of time spent with the Reason for the season!


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-spending some time with our youngest daughter and her boyfriend
-soup simmering, the Christmas tree and candles glowing, reading my She Reads truth devotions
-going to get a coffee and driving to the river to watch the Christmas ships with my hubs

-because of Jesus I stand before Father God chosen and blameless
-a beautiful big bluejay
-youngest granddaughter, who's getting too big for it, napping in a nest of blankets in the playpen
-a fun evening taking the two youngest granddaughters to the penguin movie and out to dinner at Chipotle

-some time to write
-our youngest grandson's giggles
-the way my oldest granddaughter likes to help organize things, (she helped me organize all of our dvds!)
-falling asleep earlier than normal after two days of watching the grands

-going on a run, 
(in spite of not feeling well, thinking it might make me feel better, but now I know it was a God nudge!),
 right when the neighbor lady a couple blocks over was out checking her mail,
stopping to talk to her and her starting to cry telling me her husband was just diagnosed with cancer 
and so I asked if I could pray with her and she gladly accepted
(will you please pray for S and her husband G 
and for me as I want to be an instrument of God's love to them during this time)
-staying home with a migraine and just resting for the rest of the day
-no power outages or damage to our house in another bad windstorm
-the hubs telling me our church prayer meeting went great inspite of a power outage at the church

-an encouraging time at our Minister's Fellowship International lunch

-a beautiful day and no migraine so I could enjoy it!

- a wonderful time with my husband at the concert with the Northwest Gospel Choir and the Oregon Symphony

-a cozy fire in the fireplace

-the good feeling after getting a bunch of work done
-baking Christmas cookies

-the sweet reassurance of God's presence
-going out to lunch with friends and our middle daughter and her family
-spending time with Jesus

gratefully yours,


  1. In the middle of the busy season there is still so much to be thankful for. I love reading your list. It reminds me that there are blessings everywhere we look - if only we look!

  2. Just wanted to let you know, I bought a journal to start writing down God's blessings I'm thankful for. I feel a great need to acknowledge how good He is to me. My husband and I are having a difficult time right now, but I feel God prompting me to pay attention to the good things around me. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you for your blogs.

  3. Lately I've started a habit where my feet don't touch the ground in the morning until I read some scripture. I love how you keep track of everything you're thankful for! It truly keeps your eyes on the real reason for the season.

  4. Elizabeth, As I give thought to what I want my year to look like, you have given me a wonderful example. And I won't wait to start a new good habit . . .I want to start each day with a time of quiet, prayer and intention for the day. Your photo is beautiful and your gratitude journal is a joy to read.

  5. Really beautiful photography and the heart behind it all. I need to do follow your example and keep a better journal of gratefulness. Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. Oh, how I adore Him! And one of the best things is that He speaks to us! I am so glad for the nudges and taps on the shoulder and still, small whispers. Praying that the Lord will help me to be even more attuned to His words, and more obedient to what they tell me.

    One of which is to return to a more disciplined quiet time.


  7. Always love your gratitude list posts!

    Merry Christmas, Elizabeth~


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