
Thursday, December 18, 2014

The one thing that is impossible for God...

If there's one thing God has spoken to me repeatedly through all of my Advent devotions, it's this truth from Luke.  Our God is the God of the impossible.  Throughout the Bible, every person that God used in mighty and powerful ways faced an impossibility that they had to trust God about.  In every situation, God kept His Word and His promises.

In two thousand and fourteen, I've seen some big answers to prayers that I've prayed for years and years.  Yet, there remains a couple at the top of my list that I haven't seen answers to yet.  One in particular, the enemy has been taunting and tempting me to give up on.  I've found that my best response to the enemy is to go to God and admit my doubt, admit my unbelief, admit my frustration about praying the same thing day after day, year after year.  "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief" may just be six of the most honest and powerful words in the Bible.  

I'm so thankful that God's Word is a rock beneath my feet that is unshakeable and immovable.  When my emotions say to quit believing, to give up,  I cling to the firm foundation of the truth, of the Word. When it says NOTHING  is impossible, the Word gives one exception. "It is impossible for God to lie", Hebrews 6:18 declares.  In the Amplified Bible it goes on to say that it is impossible for God to ever prove false or to deceive us.  Then it says that we who run to Him for refuge have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before us.  WOW!  Isn't it amazing that He even provides the hope we need in order to not give up! I'm choosing to grasp and hold fast to hope right now.  I'm choosing to trust in the God who cannot lie and in the unchangeable truth of His Word.  I'm choosing to keep praying for the the things that look impossible to my physical eyes, that seem impossible to my unsteady emotions.  

I know some of you are facing impossibilities, too.   You are weary from years of praying and crying out to God, but not seeing answers.  I pray that these truths from God's Word have been as encouraging to you as they have been to me.  I'm believing  that we will all be filled with God's peace, that we will all grasp firmly to the hope appointed for us by God Himself in our praying and waiting.

still following, 


Darling Downs Diaries

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at 3-D Lessons for Life

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Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Elizabeth,
    Thank you for writing just what I needed to hear. Yes!!!!, I know God is faithful to his's just the whole timing thing!
    My claimed verse is Romans 8:28. It truly comes through loud and clear EVERY TIME!!!
    Blessing to you & your family,

    ps.....I am not the best computer sent me a link to connect with you...but I could not figure it out.

  2. Yes Elizabeth! With God all things are possible! Yes Elizabeth! God does not lie! Yes Elizabeth! He is our sure foundation! Yes Elizabeth! He hears our prayers and answers! Yes, Lord! I believe! Help my unbelief!

  3. You and I had the same verse on our hearts and in our post today. Thank- you for this encouraging reminder! I also have been praying some prayers for years, waiting...That's one of those harder answers; to wait. God bless you in this season of hope and joy!

    1. God bless you too, Janet, as you wait and persist in prayer and grasp tightly to hope.

  4. good. He is faithful, and His timing is perfect. Still praying....

    1. Ginger, yes, still praying, still clinging to hope.

  5. Yes & Amen. With God all things are possible. Thank you Elizabeth

  6. Elizabeth, not sure if my comment was saved :( so I will share it again. Thank you for sharing this post today as it confirmed for me my One Word 2015. I knew what God was impressing on my heart for about 2 weeks now but I was giving Him time to change His mind as I was so hoping for a different word {{I smile here}}. He is quite persistent & didn't change His mind. Instead He has been gently bending my knee in obedience. I'll be flagging this post in my inbox to read & reread over the coming year as needed. Thank you for sharing these thoughts today from your heart as they spoke deeply into mine. May you & your family have a blessed Christmas!

    1. Oh friend, God gave me a word I wasn't so sure I wanted to receive too! Much love to you!

  7. Thank you for sharing this. Recently I've felt much the same with a long-time request. The encouragement and reminder that God doesn't see the impossible - He is the God of what seems impossible to us - just what I needed!

    1. Just what I needed too, friend. God always is dealing with me about the things I write.

  8. Lovely post, Elizabeth, and such TRUTH!

  9. Having lived a miracle I'm encouraged to believe for the other things I dream of. I know He's able, I have enough faith from that one miracle to share so I'll stand with you in believing Elizabeth! Merry Christmas!

    1. I just had another big answer to prayer that I wrote about on my blog post tonight! (not the one I referred to in my post, but a big one!)

  10. Just what we need to hear when things are going so wrong and tough. God is the God of the impossible, thank you so much for linking up at Good Morning Mondays, Blessings to you this Christmas.

  11. Thank you for this honest and heartfelt post. I'm praising God for your words here: "I'm choosing to trust in the God who cannot lie and in the unchangeable truth of His Word." and for endurance to continue. One verse that helps me is Romans 4: 17b "God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist." God can make beautiful things from nothing and can bring to life things that are dead. May you trust God with the nothingness and with whatever seems dead in your life.

    1. I just read that passage from Romans earlier this week and it really spoke to me. Thank you for this confirmation!

  12. As usual, ya dun good...both the photo, the Words, and the words of explanation. Bless you...and I sure hope to see you again. You are a treat!

  13. Beautiful and encouraging. Thank you!

  14. We need to take time to remember, don't we? Remember the "impossibles" that God worked through to possible in the past so that our faith and belief in His present power may increase and endure. I have definitely seen God's faithfulness in my life and have a list of impossibles that I'm continuing to trust Him for. ...thank you for these encouraging words of Truth. Glad to be your neighbor at #TellHisStory last week. :)


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