
Monday, December 1, 2014

Universal China collection and a little photo fun...

(Kim's 2303 texture, 30% opacity)

Over time I have added a few pieces to my collection of Universal China's Woodvine pattern,
which started with one lone bowl that I got from Mama.
Some of my pieces were found in antique stores,
and some were great deals found in thrift stores.

 (Kim's 1011 texture, hardlight, 50% opacity)

While the pattern is not really a Christmas design, 
the red and green of the flowers and foliage makes this china fit in naturally with the season.

(desaturated 40%, Kim's wake texture, multiply mode, 100% opacity)

Tonight, I had my first holiday party of the season with the ladies from our church.
The house is decorated, the tree is up, and I have most of the Christmas shopping done.
Yet, it still seems unreal that it's already Christmas time and that another year is almost over.
My desire is be content with keeping things simple, to slow down a bit, to savor this season.
Now if only I had the secret to making this happen!
Maybe it starts with something as simple as sitting down for a mid-afternoon cup of tea,
putting Handel's Messiah on,
and for just a few minutes, letting the beautiful music and the words of truth minister to my weary soul.
I think I just might have to give this a try!

(Kim's play texture, hard light, 50% opacity)

What do you do to prevent December from passing in a busy blur?

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. So lovely. There is such a hospitable, peaceful feeling here at your weblog.

    1. That blesses me so much to know that you feel this from my blog. In my home, on my blog, that is the atmosphere I hope to have.

  2. Handel's Messiah, with a cup of tea sounds just divine. Add the scent of pine and it will be even more so. :)

    1. I am listening to Handel's Messiah even now as I respond to blog comments. Soaking in all of its beauty. Heavenly.

  3. I'm with you completely on the desire to just slow down and keep things simple and enjoy the season. I think I will join you in an afternoon tea for one. And on the days that I might have a man about the place, a tea for two?

    1. Debbie, I started out the season a bit worn out. I desire to finish this year strong, not depleted. I'd love to be prayer partners with you about this.

  4. Elizabeth, I have a bowl that matches your teacup and saucer! I didn't know the name of the pattern, but now I do, thanks to you. My bowl sits atop the hutch in my studio and now I will have to bring it down to center stage with some greenery and a pine cone or two, as a festive Christmas decoration. Thank you!

    Seems we are on the same page today, as we attempt to slow down with a cup of tea and savor this season. I will put on some Christmas music this morning, lift a prayer of gratitude to the Lord . . . and try to focus on connections this season rather than how much I can get done. Your blog is always an inspiration for me.

    1. Donna, my collection started with one lone bowl that Mama had. When I find a piece in good condition for a good price I can't resist. I now have 11 different items in the Woodvine pattern.

  5. I am on a 'mission' to slow down and savor the season, too. It's important not to rush through the holidays and miss the reason for the season! I love your vignettes - but I love the idea of a cup of tea and time to listen to The Messiah.

    1. Oh friend, I over do and then resent that I'm "all used up", but I've done it to myself so there's no one to blame! Not this year! Pray for me?

  6. Lovely images. There is something about tea that seems to instantly slow things down. Happy holidays!

    1. Carol, yes, to slow down is my goal as 2014 comes to a close!

  7. So lovely and serene! You've captured a moment to savor, with tea and The Messiah!

    1. Thank you so much, Beverly. May peace and joy be yours this season!

  8. Beautiful series of shots. Lovely china and really fits the season.

    1. Than you so much, Susan. Your words encourage me!

  9. Your image are certainly putting me in that holiday mood. I think I'll go have a cup of tea!

    1. Marilyn, anytime is a good time for a nice cup of tea, hot coffee, or hot chocolate! Enjoy!

  10. I don't believe I have ever seen that pattern! I like it! It's versatile. You def. can use it as Christmas as well as throughout the year....

    As much as I love the beautiful decorations and all the sounds of Christmas, I have become very proficient in using the word "no". When it comes to decorations, I'm even content to enjoy other peoples', leaving me to be perfectly happy with few wonderful red candles and white lights. Give me that and some Christmas music playing in the background, and I'm good to go!

    1. Rebecca, perhaps I need to take "no" lessons from you. My problem is not saying no to myself and my unrealistic expectations!

  11. So peaceful - a cup of warm tea and Handel's Messiah playing in the background - lovely :)

    1. It is lovely! I hope you find time to enjoy some tea and Handel's Messiah too.

  12. Lovely images that evoke a spirit of calm and peace. I try to listen to the more 'gentle' Christmas hymns (no Santa Baby for me), have quiet time by the fire with my hot tea or coffee and read for my own personal relaxation thru the season. Our family enjoys Advent, lighting candles or burning scented candles, turning down the lights and looking at the tree in the evenings; those kinds of things to savor the season.

    1. Thank you so much, Anne, for your kind encouragement. You blessed me with your suggestions to help celebrate the season with peace.

  13. I really want to come to YOUR house! It sounds very relaxing. And you're way ahead of me in the Christmas planning stage.

    1. Lisa, I do desire my home to be filled with God's peace. It has to start in my own heart and mind, though!

  14. Wonderful. Love your Universal China. My mother found her way to relax. Every day at about 2:00 pm, she would sit on the front porch and have a cup of coffee. She would put a cube of sugar in her mouth and sip her coffee through the sugar cube.

  15. I like them all, but I really like the pine one. Love tea in a china cup..just not the same when I use a regular mug. :)

  16. What a beautiful pattern! Great photographs - I think my favourite is the first one.
    PS Listening to Messiah is part of my holiday tradition - such wonderful music!

    1. Jill, I love that we share a love of Handel's Messiah.

  17. Beautiful China and Textures!! I think when Thanksgiving comes to late, like ti has for the last several years and it gives only 4 short weeks to Christmas.... makes it all to fast!

    1. Yes, it does seem the season came too fast, Kristy!

  18. Your dishes are perfect for Christmas and I'll bet your party went very well. I'm still trying to bathe in Autumn. LOL

    1. We did have a fun party, Roxi. Thanks so much for coming by my blog!

  19. Thank you so much, Roxanne! Have a cup of tea, listen to the Messiah, and know that I'm sharing that with you!

  20. Lovely images, and your dishes are beautiful, so perfect for this time of year ! I love your traditions :)


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