
Monday, January 26, 2015

A photo homage to baking...

(Kim's anna texture, multiply, 100% opacity)

I find the humble objects used in homemaking to be quite beautiful,
a stoneware mixing bowl, an old wooden spoon, my mama's old tin measuring cups.

(Kim's wake texture, darken, 100% opacity, PicMonkey daguerrotype plumbe, 50%)

Long ago, on a trip back east to see her family, mama brought home this baking powder.
It was a brand we didn't have here in Oregon.
A family member there must have made her some "better biscuits".
I have kept the empty tin for years and years.
Like mama, when I'm traveling I'm prone to bring something home from the grocery store
 that we don't have here.

(Kim's day texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

I had fun photographing this still life of a faux baking session.
As you can see, in some of the photos I used a white background, 
and in some I let the window and outdoors be the background.

(Kim's pieces texture, lighten, 20% opacity)

For your own real life baking session,
here's a recipe for Mama's Oatmeal Cookies
and here's a recipe for her Oatmeal Cake.

(Kim's benjamin texture, hardlight, 30% opacity)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Oh, those tin measuring cups bring back memories from childhood... :)

    1. I think everyone past a certain age grew up with old tin measuring cups and spoons! My kids generation it was the colorful plastic tupperware ones.

  2. Lovely series of photographs! And such beautiful props.

  3. What pretty images, Elizabeth! Somehow, they are so comforting....

    1. Evelyn, that might be the nicest compliment ever!

  4. These are such pretty domestic images: really calm and reassuring. I love practical old household knick knacks that people used every day. Somehow they carry a very real connection to the past. Every time you look at that lovely old "better biscuits" baking tin I'll bet you think of your mum. Something that could be all but value-less to the uninitiated can be an heirloom for those who "get" the connection. All the best, Bonny

    1. I feel the exact same way, there's a cozy feeling when you see photos of homey things people used in real life. I always want to walk into the scene of those photos, like entering a room.

  5. Elizabeth... love your photos.... of home..and comfort...
    beautiful.... and that bakewell tin is fabulous....

    thank you for joining TT.... have a beautiful day... xo, Kim

    1. Thank you so much, Kim. Your encouragement means so much to me!

  6. I have my grandmother's rolling pin so I can relate to how you feel about these kinds of things. I love that box of baking powder. I would refill it as well.

    1. I have a collection of old red wooden handled kitchen tools. I guess I should do a photo shoot with some them!

  7. I love this series of photos. The first one showing the details of the beautiful bowl is my favorite.

    1. I do love that bowl. It's a Mason Cash bowl, a company from England.

  8. Lovely shots. I like the tin and the details of your bowl...very nice.

  9. Beautiful series, I love both backgrounds ! I too love looking for things, when travelling, that we don't have here :) and I love that old tin, I have lots too
    Over from TT,

    1. Lily, I'm glad to not be the only one. I've been known to tote home milk bottles, mixing bowls, all manner of things when we travel.

  10. I love it, Elizabeth! Very beautiful photos. And that sweet old cups. Well done!

  11. Your pictures are always the best, Elizabeth! Both in quality and in content. My mother-in-law would LOVE seeing your home and all the beautiful ways you decorate. You inspire me to try harder. :)

  12. That old tin is lovely, but what I really love are those old measuring cups. How beautiful they are! Wonderful that you still have them!

    1. Carola, I love the old measuring cups and spoons too, especially because they were Mama's.

  13. Elizabeth, these are gorgeous! I am featuring the first on the Texture Twist Pinterest Board!

  14. beautiful images elizabeth! personally i love the window as the background...i like the hominess and how they set the stage for the story. :)

    1. I love the window too. It makes it seem more homey.

  15. I am definitely not known in my family for my culinary skills. So, I appreciate yours!! And, if these photos of yours could paint a picture with a thousand words? All of them would be...


    1. I do love to cook/bake but this was a faux cooking set up just to practice some photography. I love food photography and only want a cookbook if it has good photos. Julia Child's cookbook and the Joy of Cooking are the only exceptions. :)

  16. Visiting from Texture Twist. Love the still life photos and the textures you've added. The older tin containers are so fun when finding some in a thrift store. One day, I suppose our new containers will be interesting to the younger generation, but the older ones bring so many memories of my grandmother and mom.

    1. Peabea, I have lots of old spice tins that were mama's too. Lots of things my kids are going to wonder someday why I kept them!

  17. What an enjoyable collection of baking images. I love the old tin. And the bowl. I think my mother had that same set of measuring cups -- ha ha!

    1. I thing everyone had those old tin measuring cups and spoons back in
      the day. I love them because they are full of memories.

  18. Wonderful.I especially like the first photo . . . with just a little of the inside of the beautiful bowl showing. Great composition.

  19. Gorgeous, love your bowl. Editing and styling is just so beautiful

  20. I remember those measuring scoops. My brother brought me While Lily Flour and self rising corn meal for this past Christmas. Thank you, thank you 'cause it does make better everything! Linda

  21. I love such charming homeyness. I have a set of those measuring scoops and a very similar bowl, actually. I love the tin!


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