
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Friday Faves....some new rugs!

For Christmas I received a Williams Sonoma gift card.
Since I'm well equipped in the kitchenware department, I decided to see if they had any area rugs.
My $4 Ikea rugs were way overdue for replacement and Ikea doesn't have them any longer.
I was happy to find three new striped area rugs, one with red stripes for the kitchen,
and two with blue stripes, one for the entryway by the front door and one for the downstairs bathroom.

For those of you who asked me to show you what the rest of the front entryway looks like 
after this week's post about the faux metal letters that hang over the window,
 this is the best I can do for you.
The angle of this part of the entry makes it almost impossible to get a good photo

Just before Christmas we got a new rug for our living room at Ikea.

Our old Target rug was on it's last legs.
We had cleaned it until it couldn't be cleaned anymore.
I loved the look of the creamy white and blue so much, but it sure showed the dirt.

I wondered if I would like the darker colors of the new rug and I actually do.
The good thing about the Ikea rug is that it's inexpensive enough to replace if I get tired of it.

 Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a safe and BLESSED weekend!

Also linking to All Things Heart and Home


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Looking good. I tried comment on your grandparenting post from yesterday. It was wonderful and that little girl is precious.


    1. Someone else had trouble commenting yesterday. I'm not sure why!

  2. Love your new rugs! I need to add an area rug to my living room and replace some rugs around the house. You've inspired me to do it soon!

  3. Always beautiful. And every time I come here I find myself wishing you lived closer. I could really use some decorating help. :) Happy New Year. Many blessings to you.

    1. Beth, it would be such a blessing to be able to meet face to face!

  4. Rugs add so much warmth to a room...yours give such a cozy feel to your charming home, Elizabeth!
    Mary Alice


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