
Friday, January 2, 2015

Hebrews 10:36 and Endurance...

Our five year old granddaughter learned how to ride her bike on New Years Day!
On New Year's Eve I wrote a post about my word for the year.
Hebrews 10:36 is the verse that God first used to speak to me about endurance.
Endurance, not giving up, is an important quality for everything in life, 
even for learning to ride a bike!

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. What a beautiful word, Elizabeth! The verse from Hebrews describes it so perfectly. I love that we are called to fully accomplish God's will and I pray we all strive for that this year. New Year blessings to you!

  2. Elizabeth....Endurance is a fabulous word for the year. And yes, it is an important heart word for every aspect of our life. Linked up with you at Still Saturday. Have a good weekend.

  3. As I was scrolling through some of your older posts just now, God gave me word for me for this year. Gratitude. I have never had a word to follow until now. I have such gratitude for you & your blog and the blessings both have brought forth in my life! My heart is full of gratitude to God for knowing how to minister to me through you :-)

    1. Krista, that's a wonderful word for the new year! You bless me, too.

  4. Fun things... endurance is so good to cultivate in ourselves...and in the ones around us. :) Thank you for sharing this.

    1. I thank God that He infuses me with His strength when I need help to endure! So glad you popped by!

  5. Hi! There you are. Glad to see you again. What a great word. coming to you from Weekend Brew. Blessings ~Chris~ When we see through the eyes of the People of the Yielded Heart then the endurance turns to joy.

    1. A yielded heart, so very important. Thanks so much for your encouragement.

  6. a word I am giving much thought to. After 22 yrs. on the same job....I am trying to hang in there. Is this where the Lord wants me? Is He going to show stay/go. Go??? where??? Which way??? Every day is a struggle. It's been very hard for a long time. I keep hoping it would get better but it gets ten times worst. Endurance.
    I am alone and it's all on me...which makes it all harder.
    Thank you for your blog of encouragement.

    1. Addie, my heart goes out to you and your situation. I pray for God to make His will very clear to you.

  7. What a great word. We need endurance -- that I'm not giving up attitude -- in order to see His will accomplished in our life. I am looking forward to watching this word unfold for you!

  8. great verse eizabeth...and learning to ride a bicycle is a good illustration of it too isn't it. i was one who took a longer time learning to ride. i was so uncoordinated:( for some it take less endurance than others, but it does take endurance for sure! thanks for that great word from GOD!

    1. She learned pretty fast. One of my daughters didn't catch on until she was in third grade!

  9. "Endurance" - what a powerful word. Blessings in the new year!!!

  10. Being a Mimi myself, I loved this image! If ever there was a picture of endurance, learning to ride a bike is surely it. Praying that our God sealed the importance into that little girl's heart & mind without her even realizing it.May she draw upon that lesson for all her life! Blessings to you & yours!

    1. She learned quite easily, but her mama was one who was fearful and took a long time to learn to ride. We all need endurance in different ways I suppose.

  11. This is a treat to see...and she wears my colorful things, too. Made me SMILE!! Thank you for the Word and the sharing and the photo. Bless you...

  12. What a sweet always. Thanks for reminding us that your sweet 5-year-old's endurance is a model for us grownups. Wishing you the best in 2015. ~Zuni

    1. Zuni, kids are a model for us in many ways, aren't they? Thanks for being such an encouragement to me!

  13. What a sweet picture for that verse. That also makes me think of having faith like a child.


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