
Friday, January 9, 2015

John 17:23...

What a wonderful, glorious thing it is to realize that our Father God 
loves us as much as He loves His Son,  Jesus.
Once this truth penetrates your mind and takes root deep in your heart 
you will become unshakeable in your confidence of God's love for you.
It will cause you to be sure of God's care for you and to trust His word.
It will fortify and strengthen you against the fear and doubt that life's storms can bring.
It will silence the enemy's lies when he tries to whisper in your ear that your Father doesn't really care 
or that He is withholding something good from you.
Mark it in your Bible and say it aloud until you really believe it.
"Thank you, Father, that You love me so much that You adopted me as Your own.
Thank You, that You love me as much as You do Your only begotten Son, Jesus."

still following, 

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. Beautiful, Elizabeth! Amazing how His love will make us unshakeable. Humbling to think about. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. We are so blessed to have a God that loves us this much. I thought of this as I was putting up Valentine Decorations. He loved us first & has shown us that we are called to love one another. No greater love than His!

  3. What an inspiring thought! Thanks for the important reminder of how much God does love us. ;)

  4. What a beautiful reminder! Knowing...and truly believing how much God loves us can be two different things. When we really sit down and think about the depth of His is a strength beyond strength...a peace that only His love can give! :-)

  5. Satan loves to try and get us to forget that love doesn't he? It is truly mind blowing to think of how much he did love us- enough to send his son! Stopping by from Still Saturday.

  6. That photo with the verse superimposed is beautiful. I would love that as a postcard or a notecard. (Side business for you??)

    Elizabeth, thank you for this lovely reminder of the truth of God's love. It is rather amazing that He loves us like this. Sometimes we lose sight of that in the midst of "life". But it's still true. And because of His great love, we have a wonderful future ahead.

    It is good to remember and focus on that.


  7. Yes, He loves me! How precious is that knowledge!

  8. "To be sure of His care and to trust in His Word." Yes!

  9. Love this! There is peace in the knowledge that the Father truly loves us. Found you at The Weekend Brew.

  10. He loves me with an everlasting love. \o/

  11. Yes, this is a treat! When in E. St. Louis in '67 and Easter hit, that chapter was described by a church I was at with a friend. I loved it!! The previous year, in Tacoma, I had come to the Lord 5 days after the Easter time then, [April 10 was Easter and I came to the Lord on the 15th] and didn't pay enough attention then. Anyhow, it was a NEW treat to see the chapter on here. Always makes me filled with rejoicefulness. Bless you and thank again!

  12. Thank you! Your devotions are always so timely. So thankful to have you at The Weekend Brew!

  13. Amen! Knowing God loves us so much is so reassuring! Thank you for sharing at The Weekend Brew.


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