
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Only 4,347 to go!

This morning we sang Matt Redman's "10,000 Reasons" in church.
I love that song.
Suddenly it became a goal in my heart to take it literally.
Since the fall of 2009 I've been counting and journaling my blessings.
Five years later I've counted 5,653 reasons.
Only 4,347 to go!


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-loving my time in God's Word

-trusting God with two unexpected expenses in one day
-car repairs that weren't as expensive as we thought they might be

-volunteering in my granddaughter's kindergarten class
-my sister's heart procedure went well
-spending time one on one with our youngest granddaughter

-a beautiful sunset

-having my devotions while our youngest granddaughter watched cartoons 
-the granddaughters so excited about new bunk beds
-wedding dress shopping and dinner with my youngest daughter

-going to bed early

-sunlight streaming into the house

-the hubs bringing me coffee in my favorite cup
-my daughter buying my ticket to a bridal gown show
-the help our Truelife Espanol pastor gives us
-God's work in us and our church

-Friday date day with the hubs
-our home

-wedding dress shopping with all my daughters, oldest granddaughter 
and two of my youngest daughter's friends
-she chose a dress!
-our oldest grandson hanging out with Papa and watching football, 
but still not too cool to hug Nana
-the amazing Word of God that always has something fresh and new to discover

-an unexpected reimbursement of a disputed charge from a company
-praying for several months with someone with a seemingly impossible prayer request
 and having them come up to me at church and telling me how the situation is improving
-going to a spur of the moment lunch after church with a random bunch of church family

gratefully yours,


  1. Beautiful list, Elizabeth. Have a blessed week.


  2. You continue to inspire me to focus on the things that I'm grateful for - not just the things that cause me stress.

    Thank you for your beautiful attitude and heart.


  3. Wat a beautiful, inspiring list! Thank you for sharing this.


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