
Friday, January 23, 2015

Psalm 62:5...

It would be ludicrous to expect a person to make spring come.
Yet we often expect the people in our lives to do something equally impossible.
We expect them to make us happy or content.
We expect them to make us feel good about ourselves.
We expect them to make it so we never feel alone or lonely.
Then when our expectations aren't met, we become upset, resentful and bitter.
What if we gave them a break.
What if we surrendered ourselves, the people in our lives, and our circumstances to God, 
submitted it all to His will,
 and put our hope and expectation in the Only One Who is completely trustworthy
and completely capable of meeting all of our needs and desires.
He wants to surprise us with His beautiful work, just like this tree blooming in January surprised me.
But we interfere with His ability to do so because we've got our opinion on how He should do it
 and our hands in His way.
Only God can make springtime come,
and only He can satisfy the hope and expectations in our hearts.
We just have to let Him.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson.


  1. I need to read this over and over again! Thanks for sharing.


    1. Me, too, Debbi. I write to remind myself sometimes!

  2. Surrendering to a Holy Lord .. key!

  3. Very uplifting I love getting your emails

  4. AMEN!!! Thank you for sharing so straightfully. Appreciate this! And love the photo, too. Bless you, Dear One.

  5. Beautiful words, beautiful image, Elizabeth. Here's to being surprised by God. Blessings.

    1. Yes! I think God delights to surprise us like we delight to surprise our children.

  6. So true. If we rest in God's care we are more able to share a little joy with the people in our life. I love the photo (and delight) of the tree blooming in January.

    1. Resting in God's, so important! Thank you, Carol!

  7. This really touched me, as I've been looking to others to meet my needs. Thank you for the reminder that only God can truly satisfy.

    1. I think that we all tend to do that, friend. Yes, only God can satisfy!

  8. Don't we wish (and pray) that we could change people, but only God can make those changes as they surrender to His will. I think we can pray that their attitudes be softened so that they can be molded like the potters clay. Thank you for your comment on my site about my visit to Bethel Church, Redding. I was truely blessed by my visit and it was of great profit to my daughter also.

    1. Hazel, wanting to change people, thinking I know how they should change, is a weakness in me. I have to daily bring this to the cross and ask for God's help.

  9. Only Jesus! Beautiful & gentle reminder!

  10. All is grace, and I try to extend grace to those who are hardest to love in my life. Thank you for the reminder of Jesus' perfect grace and love in our lives. That is a beautiful scripture and a gorgeous photo!

  11. I am in a season of waiting impatience. I want my hopes to be filled now and being that it's winter it feels like time is dragging-really dragging. We do look for our happy in others and even though friends and family want to come along side us and support us, they cannot make us happy. So thankful for our God who patiently waits for us to lean on Him for all and be patient in our own waiting.

    1. Oh, friend, I sure have been there done that! Daily I have to ask for His help to open up my hands and to truly trust Him.

  12. I hope you won't mind that I shared this on FB. It seems so important to remember this on a daily basis.

  13. Hi Elizabeth, I just saw this again. I love this post. It really spoke to me. I also shared the photo and Scripture with several of my email friends, giving credit to you. (I'm glad you have them watermarked, too.) I see from glancing through the comments that you don't mind us sharing on Facebook, so I may do that, too. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely gifts that God has given to you. Have a blessed day.

  14. Only God! Flowers blooming is a great analogy for this truth.


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