
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Snippets from my thankful life...

Yesterday, the weather was unusually beautiful and spring like.
My oldest daughter calls it "false spring".
It seems like we often have a spell like this in January or February that lulls me into thinking that spring is right around the corner, then winter weather returns, leaving me longing.

This morning the fog was pea soup thick on the drive to church.  
By the time I drove back toward home over the bridge that crosses the Columbia River,
the sun was out and to the west Mt. Hood was showing off her bright white coat of snow.
Down low by the river, the fog was still woven through the trees, like wisps of smoke.
I so wished I had my "big girl camera" with me, not just my cell phone, 
and that it was legal to pull over on the bridge and capture the beauty.
I hope the picture of it stays in focus in my memories.

I want the picture of God's faithfulness in my life to stay in focus in my memory, too.
In my best times, in my worst times, He's been my solid rock.
I am so, so thankful.


Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-working on wedding invitations with my youngest daughter
-a sunny day and a good run
-listening to edifying podcasts while running
-having our oldest daughter and our two youngest granddaughters over for dinner 
-our almost six year old granddaughter's toothless smile

-a text with a video of our oldest granddaughter making our youngest grandson giggle

-having my Jesus time and morning run done first thing, 
(I wish I could say I always do this)
-lunch and antiquing/thrifting with a friend I haven't seen in way too long
-finding 15 white milk glass vases at Goodwill for my daughter's wedding centerpieces
-coming home to find our daughter making us dinner

-youngest grandson's ever ready grins, I think he may be the happiest baby ever

-his soul searching brown eyes
-working with my youngest daughter at her fiance's house, 
getting stuff ready for her to move in after the wedding

-a long overdue haircut and color
-our church worship and prayer night, I love it

-a nice morning with my hubs
-tree blossoms in January

-a text and photo of our grandson's first try of spaghetti

-going to the store and buying my poor hubs, who got the stomach flu, ginger ale and pepto bismol and also buying some beautiful spray roses

-a great night's sleep
-finishing the gospel of John and starting the book of Job
-finishing the design of the wedding invitations
-the great feeling when the housework and the laundry is done 

-running when it was almost dusk and the fingernail moon was shining in the darkening sky

-the hub's great message today
-people wanting to know Jesus
-the fog woven through the trees by the river, the blue sky, Mt. Hood with her coat of snow
-meeting a friend for Sunday lunch 

gratefully yours,


  1. You inspire me. Your heart overflows with gratitude. I want to start counting my gifts again. I know it will help me to see the blessings in the midst of the chaos. Have a blessed week.

    1. It's really life changing, friend. It's not easy during hard times, but it does help you to focus on the blessings you do have.

  2. I am so, so thankful for the options we have with internet to see our grandbabies when they aren't with us. His smiley face is contagious!

    1. Absolutely! I'm always getting cute photos or videos or texts of funny things the kids have said or done.

  3. So thankful for you and your bright presence online! Thanks, Traci Michele

    1. Traci, well you were one of the first online encouragers I "met" and you helped me get started so I have you to thank!

  4. You always inspire me, dear friend. I love to read your gratitudes - it always reminds me how blessed we are. In the middle of life there are things to be thankful for. How easy it is to miss if we're not looking for them!

  5. Morning Elizabeth,
    Always enjoy your posts........and always enjoy your thankful list.....
    God is so good to us in the tiniest of things, and it is usually the small things
    that really turn out to be the most important things anyway.
    I am thankful for you sweet friend, your a blessings to all who read your blog.
    Blessings Abundant to you and yours,

    1. Nellie, thank you so much for your sweet encouragement!

  6. Elizabeth, you take the most beautiful pictures...

    1. Jody, I'm still learning to take good pictures, but I have improved and hopefully will continue to!

  7. beauty in the moments of your day..
    'cept for your hubby and his tummy bug.
    love the spray roses - gorgeous tone.

  8. God loves a grateful heart and I thank you for your sharing your encouraging words. Beautiful photographs of your week....

  9. I love all your posts and look forward to opening my email each day to read them. I don't want to miss a single one, and for some reason some do not make my email. Do you know why I might be missing some? Thanks so much for taking the time to find out. I appreciate all you do to encourage us each day! :)
    Blessings, Cindy

    1. Cindy, I have no idea why the email situation is "glitchy". I wish I did because you aren't the first that has trouble on occasion. I've tried everything I know to do on this end. Another option is to bookmark my blogsite and just click in each day to see if there's something new or subscribe through a blog reader, like feedly or bloglovin'.

    2. Thank You Elizabeth, for trying. I will see what I can do, but that suggestion is a great one. I seriously look forward to each morning opening my email and reading your encouraging words of love, life and faith.


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