
Monday, January 5, 2015

Spring will come...

(edited with Kim's anna texture, hard light, 50% opacity)

Christmas came and went and I missed my chance to get paperwhite bulbs 
to force bloom like I usually do.
When the grocery store had little pots of hyacinths just about ready to bloom,
I knew I didn't want to miss my chance for some spring blossoms in January.

(desat 20%, edited with Kim's 2303 texture, lighten, 20% opacity)

Once the holidays are over, winter stretches out long before us.
A reminder that winter always gives way to spring is welcome.

(Quote by Hal Borland. Photo desat 40%, edited with Kim's avery texture, lighten, 30% opacity)

It's a principle that holds true in many areas of life.
Looking back on my life, there's ever been a hard time, a trial or a storm,
 that didn't eventually come to an end.
Thank God!
The key is to not give up and quit in the middle of your winter.
Spring will come.

(edited with Kim's simple texture, lighten, 30% opacity)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Beautiful bit of spring in the midst of winter, Elizabeth! I bought myself a nice amaryllis bulb this year (last year's was pitiful) and it's only just begun to grow. I know they seem to bloom overnight, so I'm anticipating that day. Last fall, I planted a galvanized tin container with purple hyacinths and grape hyacinths. Right now, they are buried in snow beside the house but they sprouted before the cold weather; I'm counting on seeing blooms in the spring.

    1. Evelyn, there's something fun about forcing blooms in the winter and seeing a little foretaste of spring.

  2. Thank you for the little touch of spring! It's still a long way off here, but you're right - it will come!

    1. Jill, it's like cheating winter by forcing a little bit of spring to bloom early!

  3. Beautiful images giving us a pre-glimpse of spring!

    1. The next day after I photographed the hyacinth it fully opened! I need to take more pictures of it in full bloom.

  4. Reassuring thought. Sweet flower....

  5. Hope 'springs' eternal.

    Hyacinths are such pretty flowers!

    1. I almost used that quote on one of my photos!

  6. I love a bit of spring in the middle of winter - so pretty!

    1. Me, too! I noticed crocuses already breaking through the ground at the neighbor's today.

  7. Oh, I have missed Kim's place. So glad to be back at it and visiting people who link with her like you E. Beautiful photos.

  8. Beautiful reminder -- spring never skips its turn. Lovely winter blooms, too!

  9. Wonderful. I bet you are anticipating the wonderful fragrance to come.

    1. It bloomed fully the very next day after I photographed it. I will have to take some more photos!

  10. Thank you for the reminder that spring will come! This reminds me of an old Gaither song, 'Thank God For The Promise of Springtime.' In the winter days of life it gives hope and helps us hang on when the days are dark.

    1. We've been fortunate that so far our winter has had lots of blue sky days. Still, forcing a few spring blooms to come early is a joy.

  11. So pretty and love that quote too. I planted 8 paperwhites bulbs this year and when they come up, I just may go hunting for hyacinth!


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