
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Starting 2015 with thanksgiving...

With the flu bug and Christmas over, I got back to running most every day this week,
though I did still indulge a bit in leftover holiday goodies.
It was those Martha Washington chocolates I made that I found irresistible.
I ate the last of them today.
(Glad and sad at the same time!)

The weather all week long was cold, crisp and clear.
It was beautiful for running!
Yesterday, it was foggy and rainy.
When I was on my walk/run, for some reason, 
the beauty of an all too normal rainy Oregon winter day captivated me in a special way.

I couldn't help but pause frequently to capture the beauty in the midst of the rain.

Last night,  I ended up spending the bulk of the night in the ER with my youngest daughter.
She was having a very severe, unbearably painful, migraine.
They tested her to rule out anything more serious, and medicated her via IV for the migraine.
She ended up having a bit of a scary reaction to one of the meds, 
and had to be given another med to counteract the reaction.
Not exactly a fun experience for her or for me, her mama.
With us in the ER was her fiancé.
They've been engaged for only two weeks.
This was my first time seeing him with her in a stressful situation.
It was a blessing to me to see his tender care of her, him holding her hand, rubbing her back, 
promising that he'd be right back when he had to leave the room.
There it was again, some beauty for me to capture in the midst of the rain.

It's easy to count your blessings, to give thanks, on the sunny days when life is going smoothly.
But there's beauty to be seen and blessings to be counted even in the storms of life.

I'm expecting 2015 to be a great year, but I'm not so naive as to think it will all be blue skies.
But, five years into this journey of journaling my thanksgiving
 I've learned that there's always something to give thanks for.  

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)



-my new ESV journaling Bible, a Christmas gift from the hubs
- getting back to running
-this beautiful day
-going to the wedding venue with my daughter and her fiance
-going grocery shopping and out to our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner

-God looks at me and is delighted and pleased with me because He sees me through "Jesus glasses"
-my youngest grandson's first carousel ride
-talking to five year old granddaughter on the phone
-our holiday dinner with the church leaders

-sipping coffee and writing about my word for 2015 while the morning slipped away
-seeing God's goodness by looking back through photos from the past year
-texts from my friend
-going to the movies with my hubs and then coming home to a quiet New Year's Eve

-this brand New Year
-starting the gospel of John with She Reads Truth
-our granddaughter learned to ride her bike!
-the family coming over for a New Year's Day dinner of split pea and ham soup,
and/or pinto beans and ham, and cornbread
-the three oldest grandkids having a sleepover
-watching Anne of Green Gables with them

-the sun on my granddaughter's face while she drank her hot chocolate
-the two oldest grandkids still in bed while she's already up
-my oldest grandson not too old to climb into bed and chat with me
-the tooth fairy coming to our house
-the way God spoke to me about the "Where are you?" in Genesis 3
-youngest daughter coming over to watch the game with her dad

-sweet time in God's Word
-five year old granddaughter figuring out how to FaceTime me
-a beautiful foggy, drizzle-y day
-roast beef for dinner
-that my youngest daughter had nothing more serious wrong with her 
-the way her fiancĂ© was with her

-a great first Sunday of the new year
-my grandson coming and sitting with me on the front row at church
-a fun lunch with friends
-how "doodle journaling" is connecting me with God's Word in a whole new and wonderful way

still following,


  1. Your photos are beautiful. I've been following your art journaling through the Bible and you inspire me! Have a blessed week.

    1. Love you, Barbie. You're a blessing in my life.

  2. This is such a beautiful way to start the new year! I LOVE your journaling!. Another blog friend has the same Bible and she is artistically journaling, too. I only wish I was talented with pen and paper! Loved reading your gratitudes again - another great way to start the year.

    1. No need to be talented! I'm just a simple grade school level doodler, no real talent! You can do it!

  3. I love your art work. I can't even draw a stick person. I did buy some stickers and new pens so I can start a Faith Journal. You inspired me to give it a try. Praying that your daughter will not have another headache like that EVER again. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Debbi, what do you have to lose? It's a way for you to communicate with Jesus. No need to worry about measuring up or impressing others! You go girl!

  4. You know, Elizabeth, I would buy a book of your photos - or your Bible doodling! You have such a creative way of looking at things. I am blessed by that.

    As always, you inspire me to look at things with a grateful heart. I have a feeling that this attitude is going to be a crucial part of what God teaches me about my word - HEALING - this year.


    1. What a beautiful word for 2015! I pray that you will experience the healing of Jesus in body, soul and spirit, and in all that concerns you, in the coming year!

  5. i love your bible doodling!!! and golly you got busy right away. ;)
    wide margins make a girl happy.

    1. Jane, I'm doodling as I read through the Bible with She Reads Truth. I had to get busy! :)

  6. You found such beauty in this cold month, Elizabeth. Proof that God lives regardless of what our temperature may feel like.

    Praying for your daughter to get relief and for them to figure out what's causing her headaches. My youngest daughter suffers from headaches too, and I know how difficult it is to watch them have one. :(

    1. It was her first ever, and it was an awful one! I'm praying she doesn't get any more!

  7. I love the art journaling! Praying all is well with your daughter (feeling her pain with the migraine).
    I'm so glad you got to share Anne of Green Gables with your granddaughters; it's my favorite of all time.

    1. Now that I've been to PEI, to the very homestead where my Mama was born, I can watch it and say I've been there when they show photos of the red cliffs by the shore or mention some of the names of the towns. And to watch it with my grandchildren when it seems like yesterday I watched it with my own children is a bit surreal.

  8. A new year with many new reasons to continue the listing. I love your journaling bible. Such beautiful lettering and notes! We love Anne of Green Gables and I can't wait to share it with Nora and Ava one day.


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