
Monday, March 23, 2015

This little light of mine...

(Kim's elevate texture, hardlight, 20% opacity)

When we took our oldest granddaughter to the beach last week,
Papa gave her some spending money for the outlet mall, where she picked out some cute new clothes.
Then Papa gave me some spending money, too! 
What a nice Papa!
 I went to my favorite antique store and found this old enamelware chamber-stick.

(Kim's carmel texture, hardlight, 30% opacity)

I've always had a fondness for chamber-sticks. 
I have a few others, some reproductions and some vintage, but this is the oldest one I've found.
I was surprised at how inexpensive it was, and happy to discover that it was an additional 20% off!
And I love it's blue color!

 (Kim's 2303 texture, screen mode, 40% opacity)

I'm slowly working my way through Kim Klassen's Lightroom class.
She's a great teacher, but I'm a slow learner, and even slower without a lot of time to devote to it right now.
Wish me luck!

(Kim's 1217 texture, hardlight, 30% opacity)

still following,

Click here to enter my giveaway for a copy of Shauna Niequist's new devotional book, Savor.

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. A touch of blue with spring in mind. :)

  2. Lovely images, Elizabeth.

    Every time I see chamber-sticks, for some reasons I am reminded of the nursery rhyme Wee Willie Winkie. :)

    1. Buckeroomama, look at Earl's comment down below!

  3. Lovely images. I really love the blue with the soft pink of the rose.

  4. That's a gorgeous candlestick, and I think all the better for its wear and tear. The title of your post made me smile and in my head I burst into song :) #lifethruthelens

    1. I think it's better for the wear as well! I'm happy my post put a song in your head and I hope your heart, too!

  5. What a lovely find, Elizabeth! Your images are always so well captured. I took a class from Kim a couple of years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it! The best part is you can always go back and access what you missed! Have fun with it!

    1. June, I'm going to be going back a lot! LR is intimidating me.

  6. So you've added Lightroom to your editing? I installed it right after Christmas and had a panicky moment that led me to uninstall it. I need to work through Kim's course, too. I just want to use the editing, not the cataloging. I have two blogger friends who have opposing views about the catalog. :-) Beautiful little chamber stick; I too, love blue.

    1. I'm still watching the videos. I haven't tried anything with it yet!

  7. Oh, what a sweet, sweet shot you set up! And now I think This Little Light of Mine will be running through my head the rest of the day!

    1. Thank you, Lisa! At least it's a rather nice song to have running through your head. :)

  8. The candleholder is lovely! I took Kim's LR course. She's an amazing teacher!

    1. She is an amazing teacher! I'm grateful for all I've learned from her over the years, but I've still got much to learn!

  9. I like that blue candle holder. Very pretty.

  10. I love your new chamber-stick. It's such a pretty shade of blue. And I know where you found it! Wishing I was at the coast and in that antique mall today - just looking and relaxing and having fun seeing things I've never seen before! Your photos are gorgeous. I need to get back to taking photos and writing blog posts again. Soon. Real soon!

    1. I always go the the antique mall, the Goodwill, and the "Jesus junk store" on the end of town in L.C. The antique mall was having sales!

  11. Great find!! Oh you'll learn a ton from her class... I am going through LR too, there are moments when I feel like face planting my hand on my forehead. One of those, "duh" moments. Love that class.

    1. I'm taking it slow, unfortunately because of that, my free trial of LR is almost used up already!

    2. LOL, the same thing happened to me. I ended up purchasing the Photoshop and Lightroom monthly cloud. I totally recommend it, you will not regret the investment.

  12. What a find! It's gorgeous. I waded through many LR classes and though I have so much more to learn, I can finally say I LOVE it! You'll get there. Kim is the best teacher.

    1. Marilyn, I do love Kim's teaching! The problem is definitely not the teacher. :)

  13. What a delightful find! I love vintage / antiques. The other day I came home from an antique shop with a piece of tin roof for still life backdrop. My husband just chuckles. I'm taking the same LR course and learning bit by bit. I don't want it to be a pressure and burden, so I'm trying to look at it something fun to learn when I have time. Recreation. Hope you find it fun, too!

    1. Sharon, that's what I need to do, just take my time and enjoy the process of learning LR. Our daughter's upcoming wedding and other events in the next two months have me quite busy, so that makes it challenging.

  14. Simple subjects that are quite pretty.

  15. Beautiful. Lovely color with the rose and candlestick. And thank you for a memory I didn't know I still had. In an elementary school play on stage I was Jack in Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the candlestick. Thanks for the memory.

    1. I love it that my post triggered your childhood memory. You made my day!


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