
Sunday, April 12, 2015

6000 blessings and still counting...

You would think that after spending the bulk of this weekend at the Faith and Culture Writers Conference,
that I would be full to overflowing with things to write here.
First, I need to take a good nap.
After some rest, after all that I received simmers in my soul for a while, 
maybe then I'll have something savory to dish up for you here.
In the meanwhile, I'm serving up what I always do on Sunday evenings,
a hearty bowl of thanksgiving to the One Who deserves so much more thanks 
and praise than these meager offerings.
He is good, in every shade and nuance and meaning that that word has, and yet even more.
He is good to me.
I know that now, with a deep down to my toes knowing, 
after almost 6 years of journaling His gifts in my life.
And yes, it has been so very profitable to my soul to think upon
and to take the time to write down His goodness in my daily life...
6000 blessings and still counting! 
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-God's provision
-our home
-a nice evening with my hubs after being out of town last week

-having a fun day with my oldest granddaughter
-making spaghetti and homemade french bread with her

-my nephew's surgery to remove a benign brain tumor went very well
-a living room dance party with my granddaughter
-going on a walk/run while she rode my bike

-lilacs in bloom

-my oldest grandson's turn for a sleepover (they are on spring break)
-a great report on the young mama in our church who is recovering from heart surgery and a coma
-a phone call from my brother saying that my nephew is walking, talking, 
and eating after yesterday's brain surgery
-my grandson going on my walk/run with me 
and taking a football to throw up in the air and catch the whole walk long
-the thrill of a box of baseball cards we found and bought at the Goodwill

-having coffee with a prayer pastor to talk about praying for our county
-putting the finishing touches on my workshop for tomorrow

-the opportunity to present a workshop at the Faith and Culture Writers Conference
-getting to meet and talk with so many other writers
-getting to meet and talk with Emily Freeman and hear her speak

-our youngest daughter-today's her birthday

-hearing about the amazing way God works in people's lives
-the hubs having the house all spic and span when I got home from the conference

-God working in our church
-lunch with my daughter and grandkids
-my son-in-law getting to spend time at the International House of Prayer

still following,


  1. You amaze me. Your dedication and commitment to see the good in life and write it down is inspiring.

  2. So much goodness and beauty to be encouraged by!

  3. Dear Lord, thank You for Elizabeth - a prayer warrior who always reminds me to look at my own life for evidence of Your blessings. May You continue to bring joy to her life.

    Prayers will continue for your nephew.


    1. Thanks you, Sharon. You are a blessing to me!


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