
Friday, April 10, 2015

Calling forth destinies...

Today I presented a workshop at the Faith and Culture Writers Conference held here in Portland, Oregon.  My topic was relating to and writing for multi-generations.  In my workshop I mentioned this verse and talked about the importance of speaking destiny and purpose, speaking life-giving words, into others' lives.  I mentioned a note I received when I was a teenager from a young wife and mother in my home church.  In that note she wrote that God had a wonderful destiny and purpose for me and mentioned that she felt that God had a ministry calling on my life.  No one had ever before spoken words like that over me.  It was like a wide door of hope and possibility opened up before me. One little God sent note called forth and guided my destiny.  

Whether spoken or written, our words have the power of life or death.  I want to have a heart like God and learn to call forth good things in the generations,  those older than me, those in my own generation, and those in the generations younger than me.  I want my words to open up a wide door of hope and possibility for someone else.

still following, 

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Your words speak to me this morning, Elizabeth. It's the third article I've read this morning about our words and the power they have. I needed this yet again.

    1. That's just like, Jesus! He's good at repeating what He wants us to hear.

  2. Short but sweet. I am writing my second book...and destiny happens to be the focal point. So glad I stumbled upon you today. And just in Portland. I will be there at least 2 more times this year, I am sure. I connected with you on Twitter as well. Blessings!

    1. That's wonderful, Yolanda! Happy to meet you!

  3. I truly believer there is no generation gap with God! He wants us - no matter our age - to reach out and touch the lives of people who come into our lives. Our words can be such a lifeline. We need to guard them - and pray over them - carefully. Thank you for sharing a bit of your conference thoughts. Wish I could have been a little mouse in the corner!

    1. I believe the same thing, friend. Love and miss you!

  4. Lovely Elizabeth! I wish I could've been at your conference. I was just reading the Daily Bread. Today's reading was from 1 Samuel 17:47 and the ending thought was: "Only as we follow Christ can we lead others in the right direction." And you, my friend, are doing just that!!

    1. Cheryl, what a great quote! Thank you for your encouragement.

  5. Exactly! This is MY calling, and I am content in it. His Word through my lips. My "audience" is small. The outcome is His.

    1. Rebecca, changing even one life is a HUGE deal. Look how that note changed my destiny and now my children are all serving God, so the influence of that note and the one who wrote it lives on.

  6. Elizabeth, thank you for sharing this Scripture which spoke deeply this morning. Blessings to you today!

    1. Thanks for your continued encouragement to me, Joanne!

  7. Words have such a power - especially words spoken with grace and love!
    May we be sensitive and bold, in each and every situation, to choose our words visely!

  8. Words have such a power - especially words spoken with grace and love!
    May we be sensitive and bold, in each and every situation, to choose our words visely!

  9. I want my words to be affirming and life-giving to the hearer as well. What a wonderful gift that young mother gave you. It reminds me that no matter our age, we are all older women to someone and have a great opportunity to mentor and encourage. Thanks, Elizabeth!

    1. I want my words to be affirming and life-giving, too, Holly. Thank you so much for your encouragement, Holly.

  10. I always pray my words will call forth destiny in those they touch, especially my children. I am thankful for those words that are spoken over me even now. Its good to know God isn't finished with me yet.

    1. Barbie, you are a blessing here online. Your words already are being used.

  11. Well, you're a treat as usual. AND so is the Lord. What a nice way to mix. I sure liked the Word, the photo, and YOUR words sharing you. Bless you!

  12. Words have such power. Thanks for the reminder to speak life and encouragement whenever I can! Thanks also for your kind words as you visited my Scripture and Snapshot this weekend!


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