
Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday Faves...a visit to Huldah Klager Lilac Garden

Throw two trips to the Midwest, two local conferences/retreats, the usual busy-ness of life and ministry, 
and our daughter's upcoming wedding into the mix, 
and my husband's one day off a week can too easily feel inadequate.
So, at my urging, he came home from the office early one day this week and we grabbed a late lunch 
and took a drive to Woodland, Washington to the Huldah Klager Lilac Garden.

My last visit to the garden was a couple of years ago with my friend, Adrienne.
My hubs had never been before, in spite of growing up not far from the garden.

I can't choose what I love more, the garden, or Huldah Klager's lovely old home.

The many varieties of lilacs that Huldah Klager hybridized is amazing.
How she found the time for her massive garden and to also do things such as piece a detailed quilt 
like the one in the photo above is beyond me.

With our lunch and drive and visit to the gardens, we weren't gone more than a few hours,
but the next day I got a text from my hub's telling me how much he/we needed that extra little break 
and how much he enjoyed it.
I don't think it was really about the gardens for him, since he's much more of the sports loving type,
but it was the little respite of much needed time away together.

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a SAFE and BLESSED weekend!


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique

Kim Klassen dot com


  1. Breathtakingly beautiful! So glad y'all got to spend needed time together! We have to squeeze those little "get-aways" in when we can! Life is so busy and time is fleeting...enjoy every moment you can! I try to do the same with my man, too! Have a blessed weekend!

    1. It's a beautiful place for a little afternoon respite.

  2. Wonderful pictures of this beautiful garden ! I also love lillacs. These are wonderful trees !
    Have a nice weekend !

  3. I bet it smelled heavenly! I had not heard of this place before - hope i get to visit it someday.

    1. It's only a half hour away. Take the girls before the season is over!

  4. Oh, the fragrances!
    (can you imagine cooking on that beautiful stove?)

    1. Christine, I know! I would love to move right into this beautiful farmhouse!

  5. Oh, looks like a wonderful place, Elizabeth !
    Those lilacs are gorgeous !
    So nice you and your husband had a wonderful time ...
    Have a great weekend,

  6. I can hardly wait to see and smell the lilacs. I love that Farmhouse kitchen too! A little outing like that is good for the soul...and the relationship! Have a wonderful weekend! Diane

  7. Oh, I want to go back again! The day you and I spent there was such a treat I will never forget. I had hoped to go back for an event this weekend but it won't work out so this post is a great reminder of the beauty not too far north of us. I can almost smell the flowers!


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