
Friday, April 17, 2015

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me...

I've written about this before, but I think it bears repeating.
I was about 21 years old when I went to my first "grown up" women's Bible study.
The class was taught by a seventy-something year old retired missionary.
She would often open the class with this song,

“Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me
All His wonderful passion and purity
Oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.” 
(Albert Orsborn/Tom M. Jones)

I did, indeed, see the beauty of Jesus in her.
My heart was melted by her passion for the Word of God,
and I wanted to understand and teach God's Word like she did.
There was no generation gap between us, in spite of our five decade age difference.
I was drawn to the beauty of her heart, the beauty of Jesus in her,
and her brief presence in my life marked me forever.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. The beauty of Christ is so very evident in you, Elizabeth. Thank you for your consistent example. Hugs.

    1. You are a blessing and encouragement to me! Thanks, my friend.

  2. Oh, I've also been blessed by a number of older women, and they are among the treasures that God has used to keep me moving forward with Him. Thanks for bringing them all to mind today at the Weekend Brew. I do love your photography.

  3. I loved this post because I have been blessed with this same experience. May the beauty of Jesus be seen in us so that we leave a lasting impression of Him on those around us. Just beautiful to read today!

    1. Joanne, God has been so good to me to bring older women in my life when I was younger. Now I'm one of the older ones! Time zooms by!

  4. This is beautiful, Elizabeth. Visiting you today from the Weekend Brew. This encourages me so because I think fondly on some of my relationships with older women in the faith. Encouraging thought as I'm about to turn 21 too!

    1. Betsy, I'm so happy to "meet" you from the Weekend Brew! What a blessing!

  5. this is beautiful - I'll add it to my prayer and desire to be the aroma of Christ

    1. Jill, you'll have to go online and find the music to this old song. I pray/sing the words, too.

  6. A sweet tribute, Elizabeth. I agree with Sherry, God has answered the prayer of that song in your life. The beauty of Jesus is seen in you, my friend.

  7. Love this gorgeous photo and message! Those faith keepers who mentored me forward sparkle like gems in my memory.

    1. Lisa, I agree that the memories are like gems. Now it's my turn to be a mentor/encourager to the younger generation.

  8. I remember. I remember! Praying the song afresh as I sing it! Thanks for the prompt.

  9. What a treat to share! It was very nice and the photo is gorgeous!! As usual, ya dun good! See you in a couple weeks!! Can hardly wait!!!!!

    1. HALLELUJAH!! Can hardly wait, just as I said. You're a wonderful person.

  10. I love that song! Love your fabulous dogwood image, too!

    1. Evelyn, the photo was taken on my walk with my phone! I don't think my dslr would have done any better.

  11. Encounters with persons shining God's love and presence change us ... leaving their footsteps on our lives. Yes, may His light and beauty shine from all who follow Him!

    1. That is so true, and I want my presence to be like that for others.

  12. Encounters with persons shining God's love and presence change us ... leaving their footsteps on our lives. Yes, may His light and beauty shine from all who follow Him!

  13. Oh, those dogwoods! And I've been blessed by the sweet fragrance of so many younger women.

    You took this with your phone?? Yowser!

    1. Sandra, I'm as amazed as you re. the phone photo! (iPhone 6)

  14. Beautiful dogwoods. I'd like a pink dogwood in my yard. :)

  15. Hi Elizabeth! Your post is just what I needed. I have gray hair and grandchildren and I wonder...who wants to listen to me? But we do have so much to share, all we've been given in this wonderful life. Thank you for supporting that, we can't hear it enough.
    Sunday blessings,

    1. Ceil, When your heart is burning with a vibrant relationship with God, it draws others to you no matter your age!

  16. No generation gap - I love that thought. There's much wisdom to be learned from those older than ourselves, but there's much to be learned from those younger as well; and we are all brothers and sisters.

    1. That's true, Kym. We can learn and grow together.

  17. I love that old song. It comes to mind so often and it's what my heart longs for every day! The beauty of Jesus can't be seen in me when I'm standing in His way. That should keep me constantly surrendering myself to Him - not I, but Christ!

    1. Really good thoughts, Adrienne. After the wedding, we must have a day together!

  18. There is no generation gap when hearts reach each out to each other in love:) What a beautiful story of the gentleness of how we can mentor and be mentored God's way!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement about this post. It's a sweet memory for me.

  19. How inspiring. Incidentally, that's how my prayers go often too. That I'll reflect Him in my life. :)

    I hope to give Him honor and glory in all that I do.


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