
Friday, May 15, 2015

El-Roi, the God Who sees...

Perhaps you are surrounded by circumstances that are overwhelming,
that seem to be more than you can bear.
Maybe your life is so busy with taking care of others 
that somewhere in all the busyness you feel as though you've lost yourself.
There are numerous things that can result in a person feeling unseen.

Hagar had simply done what her master and mistress had told her to do.
She slept with Abram and conceived his child.
It had changed everything between them.
The air was now full of resentment and jealousy.
She had to get out of there.
Then, out in the middle of no where, He had found her.
God had found her.
"God, the God Who sees me" she called Him.
He told her she was having a son and instructed her to name him, Ishmael, "God hears",
because God had heard her cry of distress.
God sees.  God hears.
What a comfort that is.

I can picture some of you reading this and nodding your head.
You believe He sees.
You believe He hears.
But it's believing that He cares that you find difficult,
because if He cared why would he have allowed that awful, painful thing to happen to you?
If He cared why would He have withheld that deep longing and desire of your heart?
Why is that promise still unfulfilled?
I wish I had a neat and tidy answer to give you, one that would make you feel better.
People have been trying to make sense of suffering and disappointment and pain
since sin entered the world.
I don't have a neat and tidy answer for you, but I do know one thing.
The one who is whispering into your ear that God doesn't care,
is the very one who caused all of this mess in the first place.
satan is the only one who is relishing your confusion, your pain, your loss, your loneliness,
God isn't.
God is right there with you.
Silence the voice of the accuser long enough to hear His voice.
"I see you.  
I hear you.
I love you.
I'm right here.
I will never leave you."
God sees.
God hears.
And God cares.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. So very true. We all need reminding now and again.

    1. Yes! In writing this, the reminder to myself did me good.

  2. "God is the God who sees me." I love that. : )

    1. Thank you, Cathy! I love that one of His names is the God who sees.

  3. Yes, I was nodding my head! Thanks for the good reminder. Praying for your friend's funeral today, that there will be much fruit, and for the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

  4. A good reminder--and when we are hurting it good to have someone repeat this. The story of Hagar is one of my favorites. It is a picture of God seeing and then rescuing Hagar and her infant.

    1. I love the way God ministered to Hagar as well. He is so merciful!

  5. What a comfort to know that God sees us no matter what we are facing. You've been in my prayers today, dear friend.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is a precious reminder; thank you!

    1. Thank you for taking time to leave an encouraging comment, Rebekah!

  8. As usual, beautiful photo and wonder thinking/sharing. Thank you, Dear.

  9. Elizabeth, I was blessed in reading this as I have been thinking about Hagar & wrote a post about her as well. I love when God confirms His Word to me in this way. Thank you for sharing your words & photo this morning! Blessings!

    1. Joanne, you and Holley both said that you recently wrote about Hagar. I guess God is trying to get a message across to us all and through us as well!

  10. Love, love, love this story and this name of God. I just posted on this same passage a few weeks ago!! So grateful for the Father who sees us every day and loves us through whatever life brings.

    1. Holley, that's awesome. I'll have to check out your post about Hagar!

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you for your encouragement to me, Nina!

  12. I am one of those "nodding my head" and I'm so glad you wrote that there are no easy or tidy answers, but we need to be on guard of the evil one who tries to deceive us that God doesn't care...or hear...or see! Thank you for these wonderful reminders today, Elizabeth!
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, I think the enemy is always accusing God to us, trying to convince us that He doesn't love us or that He is not working for our good. It's recognizing his lies and rejecting them that is a key to victory.

  13. Powerful message Elizabeth and as the others have said.....Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Thank you for hosting your link, Cheryl. Your photography is an inspiration!

  14. I just found your blog. It's beautiful! Can't wait to come back and read more!

  15. Counting on Him, moment-by-moment, is all I can do, now and forever. I appreciate the photo and the wording. As usual, you are a good sharer and a good encourager and a good teacher. Bless you much, Elizabeth.


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