
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Friday Faves....vintage cameras

I've been hit and miss on my blog lately, 
and have been especially "miss" on my usual weekly home decor, thrifting, antiquing and cooking type posts.
Let me show you.

This mess is my home office, which is temporarily the storage spot for all things wedding.
There are nine days until our daughter's big day.
There's been no deep spring cleaning this year.
Our yard looks atrocious.
We have a long list of neglected home maintenance projects.
The wedding preparations have been a joy and a hot mess all wrapped into one.
(The hot mess being my house.)
But the mantel looks ok, decorated with my vintage cameras.
Let's all just keep our eyes focused there.

It's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a SAFE and BLESSED weekend!


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. SO curious about the globes and suitcases. Guess I'll have to wait :) Hoping you can slow down soon and just enjoy the happy day!

    1. My girl and her fiancé love travel and world missions so the whole wedding has a travel theme.

    2. you answered my question... what a terrific theme.

  2. Morning Elizabeth,
    Well, you have your priorities in order, not every day that your child gets married,
    and those chores will always be there that is for sure. Will be praying for everything to go smoothly and that yall can relax and enjoy it at the end, since yall have done such a good job in preparing. Can't wait to see the
    pics. Blessings, Nellie

  3. What hot mess? That's all part of the festivities for the wedding - and it won't be there long. But the memories will be there and I'm sure you will treasure it all for a long time. Love the cameras on your mantel. I can't wait to see how the 'mess' all comes together for the wedding. It won't be long now and it will all be in place and you'll know it was worth it all!


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