
Sunday, May 31, 2015

So thankful...

After the wild and crazy month we've had, we knew we needed to get away for some rest once our daughter's wedding was over.    We were sad to find out that our friend's vacation home was already rented out for the week.  Then, whoever had been scheduled to rent the house had a change of plans and we were notified that it was available for us to use after all.  The time away was exactly what we needed and I'm so thankful to God for providing it for us.

The honeymooners are home from their honeymoon.  It was fun to see them for a few minutes and to see how happy they are.  In various areas of all three of our daughters' lives, there has been a long season of hope deferred before they finally saw the desire of their heart realized.  In my youngest daughter, she waited and prayed for God to bring His choice of a husband into her life for many years and wondered at times if it was ever going to happen.  I got a text from her when they were on their way home from their honeymoon saying how happy they both are and that she's so glad she waited for a great guy.  I'm glad too, and so thankful to God.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-the vacation home being available for us
-safe travels on a busy Memorial Day
-sunny skies
-flag lined streets
-a walk in God's beautiful creation with some worship music playing in my earbuds 

-a full refund of the deposit on the wedding venue
-fun photos of the honeymooners
-catching up on my Bible reading

-sleeping for ten hours!
-spending the morning in my pajamas writing
-driving to town and eating at our favorite Mexican restaurant

-hiking around Suttle Lake

-texts from our girl saying how happy her and her new husband are
-a sweet treat- cookies and ice cream

-no side effects from our grandson's immunizations
-a fun last day of vacation with my husband-dinner and a movie
-the smell of the air after a thunder shower

-a safe trip home
-beautiful weather to do some work on our yard
-seeing the newlyweds for a few minutes

-the sweet presence of God 
-an encouraging, fun time at lunch with friends
-helping my daughter hang some wall decor up in her house

gratefully yours,


  1. I'm so glad you had a good time away. It's good to hear that the newlyweds are happy and home to get settled into life. Hope to see you soon, dear friend.

    1. I will look at my calendar and we'll pick a date!

  2. It looks like the perfect, peaceful getaway. You needed that!

    1. It was great! Now I'm home and trying to get my neglected home back in order.

  3. So glad for all your blessings--one thing that especially stood out to me were the flag-lined streets--wow! so grateful for this nation!

    1. It was fun to see a town that goes all out for memorial day! That doesn't happen in the big city where I live.

  4. It's so wonderful when we have that time away, just to refresh and rejuvenate. I'm so glad that you had this special time. I've not heard about Suttle Lake, I'm gonna have to google that. It looks just lovely.

    So glad to hear that the honeymooners had a great time. May God continue to bless their new marriage with much joy!


    1. I'm thankful for the time to rest. Now it's back to "real life"! Hoping to stay in a mindset of rest even in the busyness of my real life.

  5. God knew what you needed and provided.
    God knew who was needed and provided.
    God knows!

  6. So glad your daughter had a wonderful time on her honeymoon and that you were able to get away for a vacation of your own. Next to the bride, the mother of the bride needs a vacation the most. ha.

    So thankful for young women and men who wait for the right person instead of jumping into any relationship just to make a marriage. It blesses the world!

    1. Lisa, my daughter's story is a blessing to me as it's clear now, in hindsight, how God led her each step of the way even when it seemed she was stumbling in hopelessness and darkness.


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