
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Still giving thanks...

 I could begin this post describing the past week with the oft used words, "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times".  There's been the very sad loss of a sweet young mama in our church, a friend from church facing surgery for breast cancer, a bout with a nasty cold/flu.  There's been the good news that the cancer was fully contained, a wonderful church leadership retreat by the sea, a fun Mother's Day afternoon with my whole family.  Ups and downs, highs and lows.  Through it all God's goodness is still seen, there are blessings still to count, there is thanksgiving and praise still to give.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-waking up in my own bed after a weekend away
-the hub's bringing me my first cup of coffee each day-
me sitting there sipping it slowly, praying, thinking
-going over wedding to-do lists with our girl
-the last car payment

-our sweet friend in heaven, thank you Jesus that heaven and eternal life are real!
-mourning with those who mourn
-my granddaughter's hugs
-hot Pho soup 
-relaxing with my husband who's not feeling well
-a phone call with my sister

-going with my friend to pray with our friend before surgery
-my sweet friend buying me lunch after
-that act of kindness helping to ease the sadness

-a safe drive to the beach for our leadership retreat
-meeting our friend for lunch
-a walk on the beach with some of our leaders

-the sweet couple who cook for our retreat
-bearing one another's burdens
-ministering to the ladies at our retreat

-a powerful time of worship together

-a safe trip home
-a phone call from my big brother
-reading Flight to Freedom, the book written by a couple in our church-
their life story of being imprisoned for their faith under communism
-not feeling well, going to bed early

-feeling horrible when I woke up, 
but feeling strong and clear minded sharing the Mother's Day message at church
-chocolate covered strawberries for the women at church handmade by two special gals
-the way the people in our church love and support each other
-spending Mother's Day afternoon with the whole family at our daughter's

gratefully yours,


  1. Sincerely hoping you're feeling better.....wonderful WONDERFUL captures of your week and your lovely family....super!

    1. Cheryl, I am feeling back to my old self, other than blowing my nose frequently! Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

  2. I hope you are feeling better and can get a bit of rest in between the activities of your week. God is so good and I know He is carrying you through the ups and downs of each day. Sending hugs, dear friend.

    1. Friend, we're full steam ahead here, but I'm just focusing on one thing at a time. Love you and thanks for the prayers!

  3. Hopefully on to some smoother, full speed ahead!

  4. Fighting the flu bug, too - but also rejoicing that my Mother's Day was full of sweet messages from all the people I love. Sometimes it takes me being sick to once again realize how much my family means to me, and how much they love me and I love them. That was a great gift yesterday.

    Hope you're feeling better, dear friend!


    1. I'm much better now and am neck deep in wedding preparations. I hope you are feeling better!

  5. Wow, Elizabeth, you've had a full week...Sorry, you're down w a bug...praying you feel well soon...great to read about all the good and wonderful happenings in your world, family and ministry...Glad I got to hug you at JT :-)

    1. I'm so glad I got to hug you too, Dolly. You are a blessing!


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