
Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thanks be to God!

It's been a rich and full week with much to be thankful for.
Even the memorial service, for the sweet friend from our church who recently died,
 was full of praise and thanksgiving.
There were many tears, but the overall mood was victorious and celebratory
as we rejoiced for the inexpressible gift of salvation through Jesus Christ
and the reality we have of eternal life.
This life is not all there is.
Now that's something to be thankful for!
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)
-our youngest grandson is one today!

-being almost to the party when I realized I forgot my camera at home
and my professional photographer friend letting me borrow hers
-our happy boy
-lots of family and friends celebrating together

( He was a tiny premie, and look at him now!)

-our oldest grandson's birthday! (these brothers are ten years minus one day apart)
-singing my special birthday song to him
-my hubs getting his new suit for our daughter's wedding for 40% off

-my daughter trying on her wedding dress for one last time before the big day,
-a store credit even when my item was past the 30 day return policy
-a beautiful sunset on my walk/run
-the hubs making me a cup of my favorite tea

-the volunteers from our church-many hands make light work!
-this beautiful day
-homemade chicken soup-good for these head colds
-taking a nap
-a friend giving me a ride
-the hubs writing our youngest daughter a letter about from his heart
-another beautiful sunset

-grandparents day at the two oldest grandkid's school
-a quiet evening for the two of us

-a celebration of life for our sweet friend
-God's presence even in the grieving
-one week from today our girl is getting married!

-wonderful worship and word today
-our dear Jordanian friend coming to see us
-middle eastern food with friends for lunch

gratefully yours,


  1. What a comfort it must be to know that your friend is alive and rejoicing in the presence of her precious Lord! Yes, the hope of eternal life gives us purpose and meaning in life. Your posts are always so inspirational!!
    Mary Alice

    1. Thank you so much, Mary Alice! You are an inspiration to me as well!

  2. I adore this list. Makes me long to be faithful in doing a gratitude journal. Prayed for you this morning as the week will be full of all sorts of good things. Happy Wedding Week! Love you.

    1. Thank you so much, Rhonda! I value your prayers this week. I want to stay in God's peace and for all of the details to come together smoothly with nothing forgotten!

  3. that little grandbaby still amazes me in the blessing of how much he looks like your older grandson... you are doubly blessed with those two friend... and then you have the girls :-D.... it's a grand life all around.

    1. You're right! The only explanation is that my grandson prayed for his brother to look like him and God heard his prayers! And yes, it is a grand life!

  4. that little grandbaby still amazes me in the blessing of how much he looks like your older grandson... you are doubly blessed with those two friend... and then you have the girls :-D.... it's a grand life all around.

  5. What great photos of your grandsons, what a huge milestone from being a preemie...and grateful for the joy in the midst of grief because we know death is not the end...wonderful list :-)

  6. Such a heartwarming post Elizabeth. Love the grandbaby pictures, so cute and handsome. :)


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