
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wedding Week thanks...

What a whirlwind of a week we've had, but it ended happily ever after with the wedding of our youngest daughter going beautifully!  

The week began with a great forecast for an outdoor wedding, but as the week went on the forecast got more and more bleak.  The week began with our youngest grandson, the little ringbearer, having the sniffles, but as the week went on he was hospitalized with a respiratory virus.  The night before the wedding,  our grandson was discharged from the hospital.  The morning of the wedding it rained,  and though the skies were gray, the afternoon was dry with temperatures that were cool, but not cold.Even a glitch in the sound system was resolved in time for the ceremony.  I don't think anyone coming to the wedding had a clue that we had faced so many challenges, because the wedding and reception went so wonderfully well.  I'm so thankful!  Above all, I'm thankful for the evidence of God's presence during the ceremony, for the reassurance that my daughter married the man God has for her, and for the happy texts from her today as they left for their honeymoon.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's provision
-our son-in-law making the wooden arrow for the entrance to the wedding venue
-all of the help we've been getting
-praying simple prayers

-our middle daughter's birthday
-finding plastic pie carriers for all of the homemade pies for the wedding at the Dollar Tree
-peonies covered in raindrops
-I.V. fluids, breathing medication and oxygen-help for our grandson who has a respiratory virus
-groceries needed for the wedding reception costing less than expected
-God's got us in His hands

-my husband going up to the hospital and telling me to keep doing what I need to do for the wedding
-so many people praying for our grandson
-his mama reassuring us that the things she needs to get done for the wedding are done
-our youngest daughter, the bride to be, staying calm in the midst of all of this
-my girl buying her and I a massage
-going to the hospital to see my grandson
-getting the last of the wedding errands done
-mani-pedis with the bride
-our grandson was released from the hospital! He gets to be in the wedding!
-a wonderful rehearsal dinner provided by the groom's parents

-the weather clearing up enough to have the wedding outside as planned
-our daughter hiring a bagpiper to surprise her Scottish daddy
-all of those who helped to set up and decorate, prepare and serve food, and clean up afterwards
-my brothers and sisters coming from out of town to be here
-all of our daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren having a part in the wedding

-the sound system working in time for the ceremony
-a full house, more people than chairs!
-God's evident presence in the ceremony
-this happy, happy day

-a great memorial weekend Sunday
-an all church dinner after the morning service
-happy texts from our girl before they left for their honeymoon

gratefully yours,


  1. The wedding was handled with such grace that no one would have known the challenges you had this past week. Katie was a beautiful bride!!

  2. AHHHHH! I loved the picture. Do you want to know my favorite? Actually, I have two and I am going to tell you even if you don't want to know. I love the Daddy-daughter pic. The one of all the couple kissing is precious. AHHHHH!

    I hope you can start slowing down and get some rest. You have been such a busy girl lately.

    Thanks for sharing your blessings.

    1. We are taking this week away for some rest! Thank you for your prayers, friend. We have to plan a coffee date again so I can return your vases to you!

  3. It all turned out so beautifully. I am so thankful your grandson was released from hospital and is on the mend.

    1. I am so thankful, too, Barbie! It was a wonderful day!

  4. It looks so beautiful! Prayers, simple prayers, are all that's needed. So thankful for all the answered prayers and help you had for the beautiful day!

    1. The wedding was everything I hoped it would be, friend! Thank you for your prayers!

  5. So much wonderfulness laced with a few snags and sniffles.. :)

    1. Oh friend, it really was so so wonderful. Everything I hoped it would be.

  6. Grace! Mercy, love and ... grace!

    1. The whole day was blessed and beautiful and yes, it's all grace!

  7. With all the craziness that led up to the Big Day, I'm sure glad that it went so smoothly! The photos are just lovely - your daughter is beautiful, just like you! Love the bagpiper - I have Scottish roots, too. Both grandmothers born in Scotland. Looks like a grand time was had by all. And, I'm glad that your grandson is doing better. What a scare that must have been. Wishing you a restful week!


    1. Sharon, we are away for the week using our mentor's vacation home. What a blessing after the wild and crazy month we've had! The wedding was every bit what I hoped it would be and, thanks to all the prayers, our grandson is doing great! My hubs grandmother is an immigrant from Scotland as well.

  8. So, so thrilled for your beautiful family--I have only seen one other "all white" wedding but I love it and wish more brides would do it--wish I had done it myself 49 years and 10 months ago. Thank God for His incredible gifts--especially those of the groom of your daughter's dreams and your grandson being healthy enough to participate. I pray for many years of happiness and service to God as husband and wife for the newlyweds. God bless you all!

    1. Dianne, I couldn't be happier with how the wedding went, or with the one God had for our girl. Being thirty two, there were tears, and prayers, and questions why and wondering when, but as she continued to pursue God and to commit it over and over to Him, He was doing His work in her groom to be. God's plan and timing is perfect.

  9. Looks like it was a wonderful wedding. So glad your grandson is doing well. May God's blessings be upon the newlyweds always!

    1. Thank you, Joanne! It really was wonderful, everything I hoped it would be. Our grandson is doing great. Thank you for your prayers.

  10. Congratulations to the Newly Weds and to you and your hubby on gaining
    a new son in love............
    Loved all the beautiful dresses and your daughter looked beautiful, and looks
    so much like her Mama.........
    So happy to hear your grandson is fine, what a scare.......
    God does some amazing work through times likes happy the
    wedding went off without a hitch, in spite of the enemies doing everything
    he could to prevent that!! Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the
    world. Lovely post and pics, and hope you enjoy your week of respite
    basking in the glory of all that God has done.
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Thank you, Nellie! The wedding was everything we had hoped for, in spite of the challenges ahead of time. This week we are out of town for some rest!

  11. I was reading this post when my son called from China to tell me he's engaged! Congratulations! Beautiful wedding!

    1. That's wonderful, Marilyn! Congratulations!

    2. Thank you. Loving your posts this week. Thank you for blessing us with your insights and lovely words.

  12. I loved hearing (and seeing) about the wedding. And I'm so thankful your grandson is well and was able to be at the wedding. See you soon!


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