
Thursday, June 25, 2015

Friday Faves...a tip for cut hydrangeas

I love it when the hydrangea are all abloom!
With our unusually dry weather this spring/summer here in Portland, Oregon, 
 I'm not sure how long they'll last.

I did read a tip somewhere online that to keep cut hydrangeas from getting droopy, 
cut the end of the stem, crush it a bit, then dip it in alum before putting it in water. 
Evidently the alum keeps the end of the stem from "sealing shut".

So far, it's really working great!
Alum is found in the spice section of your grocery store.

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a SAFE and BLESSED weekend!


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. Yes...was reading up on hydrangeas this week and read the same thing. Another suggestion was to cut them on a slant under cold water, poke the stem with a nail or pin and put them in ice water. I did it and they lasted over a week...

  2. Well my hydrangeas are beautiful this year because of all our rain in central Missouri. I have been cutting many to put in vases around my kitchen and they have drooped more this year than ever,so i'm off to purchase some alum

  3. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous. I tried the alum method. It worked on some of mine, but others drooped or discolored the same day. Hmmm...maybe I did something wrong. Maybe I'll give Jill's method a try.
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, it's worked for me, even though we're in a heat wave here in Portland, Oregon. And like many here, we have no central air because we don't need it that often.

  4. Beautiful hydrangeas! We won't be in Portland during bloom season this year, I guess. When I bought cut hydrangeas at Safeway, they dropped overnight. I researched this technique: bring water to a boil, pour into a glass or other container, cut the bottom of the stem of the hydrangea before placing the flower into the water...for 30 seconds. It worked for me!

  5. I love hydrangeas. I bought some a week ago and the drooped. I was not happy about that. I have give the alum a try when my mom's bloom. I usually get them from her... She has a several types of hydrangeas. I can't seem to grow any. Thanks so much for sharing this tip.


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