
Monday, June 29, 2015

He loves me, he loves me not...

(Kim's elevate texture, lighten, 30% opacity)
 It's been unusually hot and dry here in Portland, Oregon.
Everything is ripening and blooming a bit earlier than it normally does, my daisies included.
(Kim's avery texture, hardlight, 40% opacity)
What's not to love about daisies?
They are so cheery, and so easy to grow!
For a person like me with non-existent gardening skills, that's a wonderful reason to plant them.
(Kim's hughes texture, hardlight, 40% opacity)
What young lady hasn't chanted, "He loves me.  He loves me not." while plucking the petals off of a freshly picked daisy, hoping against hope that the last petal indicates that he loves her.
(Kim's 2303 texture, screen mode, 50% opacity)
I love using interesting jars and bottles as vases, more than an actual vase.
I think limonata bottles are almost as cheery as daisies!
(Kim's day texture, hard light, 40% opacity)
I'll end with this photo of my kitchen windowsill on this hot summer day.

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Light and breezy colors, and I am refreshed by your beautiful photos!


  2. Daisies are one of my favorites! I have had sunflowers blooming already because of the high heat and no rain.

  3. Same here, mixing fresh blooms with heirlooms or odd containers make for a fun photo shoot!

    1. Absolutely, odds and ends containers make photo shoots much more interesting!

  4. Well I LOVE these! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  5. I really like the simple vase you used! So more interesting than anything more elaborate. And goes perfect with the daisy. Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

  6. Lovely, what a great idea for a vase!



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