
Sunday, June 21, 2015

In gratitude...

When I read this verse in the Amplified Bible it really spoke to my mind and heart.  I thought about how the children of Israel's default response was murmuring, griping and complaining.  Negativity, fear and worry is what filled their minds and hearts.  God had told them to fear not, to meditate on Him, His Word, His mighty acts.  Instead their meditation was not on God's provision, His miracles, or His faithfulness, it was on their "woe is me" attitude. 

This verse is found in the chapter where God is giving the children of Israel the choice between living in blessing or living under a curse.  A joyful mind and heart that is full of gratitude is key to living in blessing, while a negative mindset results in a negative life.  I want my mind to be focused on the evidence of God's faithfulness all around me, a mindset that is joyful and full of thanksgiving.  I choose to live in the blessing of God.

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-God's answers to prayer
-a friend's help when I was sick in bed with a migraine
-our two oldest grands spending a couple days with us while their mama is out of town

-my mama's birthday-she would have been 90 today
-a fun afternoon taking the oldest grandkids to the river

-our youngest grandson is walking!

-a walk around the local fitness trail with my husband
-quiet time to write

-God's Word-it has been my sustenance all through my life's journey
-praying together at church

-Friday date day
-lavender colored hydrangeas
-craving calamari so the two of us going to a place for lunch where I could have some
-a relaxing evening home together

-a sweet time in God's Word
-cool morning air with the doors and windows open
-a great walk/run around the fitness trail
-a summer haircut

-a sweet Father's Day Sunday morning at church
-Father's Day dinner at the newlywed's house, (my youngest daughter and son-in-law)
(family water balloon fight)
(the newlywed's neighbor!)

(celebrating Father's Day and my two sons-in-laws' birthdays that are this week)
-our whole family together
-my daughter's new in-laws, so happy to have them as a part of our family too!

still following,


  1. Beautiful verse. We mostly think negatively than positive. But God is always with us.Sounds that you had a wonderful father's day and your grandsons celebration.Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comment! I think our world has gotten so negative. We're surrounded by it! We've got to fight to be light in this darkness.

  2. What a lovely idea to write down the blessings each day. I started a journal, but haven't kept it up. Lovely post, and looks like a great Sunday shared with family. :) Have a great week.

    1. Yes, Father's Day was a great day. Pick up that journal again. It's a life changing habit to count your blessings.

  3. It IS a choice, isn't it? Doesn't mean life isn't hard or challenging, it just helps turn our hearts in the right direction. Love you, friend.

    1. Jody, I think it's the learning to thank God in all things, to see His hand, His blessings, even in life's valleys.

  4. Hi Elizabeth! I think I smiled all through your post. Such fun! Congrats on your new 'walker', and the celebration you had on Father's Day looks so fun.

    My word for the year is 'Joy' so I really appreciated your Scripture quote. I need to make a note of it. I do think my attitude acts as the seed, and Joy can grow from there. It's all a learning curve, that's for sure.
    Happy Father's Day to all the Father's in your life!
    PS My mom would have been 89 in April...

    1. Ceil, we have much in common I think. I love that joy and gratitude go hand in hand. The more I see how blessed I am and give thanks for it, the more joy I find.

  5. The pictures are just priceless! Loved the water balloon fight! I think kids really appreciate when the adults are willing to get into the action!

    And, I did love what you said about that verse. Yup, I am all too often a grumbler, and I spend way too much time thinking about the wrong things. Oh Lord, make me a joy-full person.


    1. Sharon, I am thankful for YOU! You are such an encouragement to me. I too want to be joy-full!

  6. June is a big birthday month for you! I know it was fun to have a water balloon fight with the whole family.

    Your mama's birthday. I said a prayer for you.

    1. May and June are both way too full of birthdays! It's a bit overwhelming!


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