
Friday, June 19, 2015

One generation to another...Psalm 145:4

On a recent visit to the river with our oldest granddaughter and grandson, my husband helped our grandson perfect his rock skipping technique.  With just a wee bit of coaching on how to choose the best skipping rocks and how to hold the rock when you throw it, my grandson was soon able to skip rocks as good as Papa.

It's a joy to pass things on to our grandchildren, old family stories, favorite songs and sayings, how to make my special spaghetti sauce or our family's favorite raspberry jam.  But, more than any of that, our heart's desire is to pass on the truth of God's Word and the testimony of His faithfulness in our lives.  It's our privilege to do so, and our God given responsibility.  

 still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Passing down the good things - the God things - and things like how to skip rocks! Refreshing post, Elizabeth - it's like the secret ingredient to what makes a good life!

  2. How sweet--and one of my favorite verses--I want to pass on the great things of God to all my descendants--

  3. Visiting you from #TheWeekendBrew, Elizabeth. What a privilege for your grandchildren to have grandparents such as you. I had that same privilege. My grandma prayed for my salvation daily until I was 18 and came to know Jesus!

  4. I love how you are able to share with grandchildren not just family traditions but God traditions - His word and truths. Barbie and I are so blessed to have you as part of The Weekend Brew community. Happy Weekend!

  5. You and I are in the same season of life. I'm loving building into the lives of our grandchildren, sharing the truth of God's Word, and lots of fun memory making.
    I came over from Scripture and a Snapshot.

  6. So great! What a wonderful blessing to impart and love the next generation. Thanks Elizabeth.

  7. I adore this! I love rocking my grandbabies and singing hymns to them as well.


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