
Friday, June 26, 2015

Psalm 89:14...

God is perfect in all that He is,
all of His ways,
and in His leadership in our lives.
Yet, if we had our way, 
we'd want Him to be full of mercy and loving-kindness,
but ease up a bit on all that righteousness stuff,
and maybe not be so dog gone unbending about the truth.
Justice sounds like a good thing,
until my idea of what is just differs from His.
It sounds ludicrous doesn't it,
us thinking we can tell the Creator of heaven and earth how He should rule
and just what His rules should and shouldn't be.
But, mankind has been accusing God of withholding good things from them since the garden of Eden.
In reality, anything God withholds from us is because it's not in our best interest,
in fact, what we want is sometimes downright deadly to us.
Just ask Adam and Eve.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Saying yes to all His loving "withholdings."

    1. I think saying the words, "I trust you" to God are some of the hardest, but some of the most freeing!

  2. Sometimes it's hard to understand His ways, but His ways are not our ways. So true that what He withholds is not in our best interest. Thanks for the reminder Elizabeth!

    1. I agree, sometimes God's ways are very hard to understand! For me, it's in looking back over the years that I see how all along, His timing and other things I struggled with make sense.

  3. Excellent, Elizabeth! And your photo is gorgeous. :)

  4. Yes, very well said! I do not always understand why God says yes or no. Sometimes I can really wrestle over His absolutes but when looking back sometimes God gives me a glimpse from His perspective (also known as the growth and maturing while wrestling and learning) and I am thankful that my wants were not fulfilled. And the times He does not give me understanding that is when I have to completely trust His Sovereignty! Good word Pastor Elizabeth!

  5. A great message in a few short words--this said it all! Thank you for feeding my heart when it is heavy with the weight of this world.

    1. Oh dear friend, my heart is heavy, too. My hope is that all of this wakes up the sleepy, passive church.

  6. Why do we always want what we want and when we don't get it, we blame it on God? I love how Michele above said, say yes to loving "withholdings". It is time to just say yes to God and the fact that He chose us right here and right now. Blessed as always to have you join us at The Weekend Brew.

  7. I love that about God, that He will withhold things from us because it's not in our best interest. We may not always understand, and our hearts may break under the weight of it. But we can rest assured that God knows best. Have a blessed week Elizabeth!

    1. Barbie, I was thinking that I've actually had more, "waits", than out and out "nos" from God. Those are really hard to deal with. But when desire is fulfilled, the timing of God actually makes so much sense! I just couldn't see it while I was waiting.

  8. It's a really good thing that I haven't had my way all the time! This reminds me of James - "Consider it pure joy...whenever you face trials of many kinds..." God knows what he's doing; we just have to trust him.

    1. Oh, me too! I'm so glad God is a good Father who sometimes actually tells me no!

  9. Beautifully put. May we trust Him always. Blessings!

  10. Lovely words to begin my Sunday morning. Grateful for the loving protection that He offers us every day. Happy Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Holly. You are a sweet blessing in this online world.

  11. Your reflections are so appropriate for the events of this week. God's ways are best for us. Have a blessed Sunday!

    1. Since the Garden of Eden, #GiveMeGrace! Great reflection Elizabeth!

    2. Thank you, Lisha. You are a blessing in my life.

    3. Carol, I'm heavy hearted about this week. I'm leaning heavy on Jesus as I think of what the future holds and all that this could mean to us.

  12. Amen, well said Elizabeth
    Blessings, Nellie

    1. Thank you so much, Nellie. You are a blessing.

  13. Your post so goes along with the reading of Proverbs this month in my through the Bible. It is hard for my mind not to want to come upon a verse that clarifies and says it's okay, but true, then the righteousness word comes up and the line is drawn between doing good and wanting evil ways. I just did a post on my journaling through the Bible blog about Adam and Eve and the Garden and where it has led that goes with Proverbs so your post hit home. Very nice. :)


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