
Monday, June 1, 2015

Spring cleaning...

(Kim's elevate texture, hardlight, 15% opacity)

It's still spring, right?
Now that our youngest daughter's wedding is over and life is back to normal, 
(whatever that is!),  I decided to tackle some overdue spring cleaning.

(Kim's tuesday texture, lighten, 15% opacity)

Today I washed all of my ironstone and any other collectibles on open shelves
 and on top of the kitchen cabinets, and wiped down all of those surfaces.
Tomorrow I'm cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and pantry.

(Kim's hughes texture, 20% opacity)

As I clean I move stuff around, 
seeing if I like this or that better in a different spot, 
adding this and taking that away.
I've seen some people call it "faffing" but that means doing idle tasks while wasting time.
I'd rather call it prettying things up!

(Kim's avery texture, hardlight, 25% opacity)

After a morning of hard work, I rewarded myself with a glass of homemade lemonade.
And of course, with Texture Tuesday in mind, I had to take some photos!

(Kim's hughes texture, lighten, 15% opacity)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Lovely images, Elizabeth. I need to pretty up my kitchen cabinets, but instead I've been "faffing" around.

    1. Marilyn, a little faffing now and then is good for the soul!

  2. Lovely images. I really love the area shown in the first picture!

  3. Beautiful images! I think the last one is my favourite - that lemonade looks soo good!

    1. Thanks, Jill! I'll post how to make this easy homemade lemonade.

  4. Very pretty!

    I visited Kim's website because your photos are always so amazing. Can you advise me on where to start?

    1. Stacey, if you are interested in starting to get into photography Kim has some great courses available on photo editing, and on my sidebar under blog sponsors, click on shootflyshoot, for great photography classes if you have a dslr, (a big camera, not a point and shoot). If you don't have a dslr, start with a good quality point and shoot and just start practicing. If you look back at my blog in the beginning my photos were not good, and even now I've got a lot to learn. Practice, practice, practice!

  5. Replies
    1. Cleaning and organizing helps me feel better after the last few chaotic months!

  6. I'd call it "fluffing your nest".
    And like everyone else, great pictures!

  7. Love how a house "feels" after spring cleaning--especially like the overhead photo and that old scale--

    1. I finished deep cleaning all the kitchen cupboards and pantry today. It does feel great to have it done!

  8. Congratulations to your whole family! This is a relaxing series of photos. I love that old scale. What a find for photos!

    1. Sharon, thank you so much! The scale was a great find, and cheap! WooHoo!

  9. Lovely images, Elizabeth. Cleaning is a constant thing when living on a dirt road! I can't keep up. ;)

    1. We used to live near a dusty dirt road before so I sympathize!

  10. Wonderful photos. I love your flower pot with the cracked edge . . . this gives it a lot of character.

  11. Hahaha, faffing --what a word. Never heard of it before. I love the nice feeling one gets after cleaning up --even just a little. :)

    1. I love that feeling, too. I'm so glad I've got the biggest jobs done now.

  12. Lovin' that downward looking perspective in the photo with the scale! Beautiful. Thank you for stopping by my blog AND...I hope you'll consider joining in at Song-ography on Tuesdays!

  13. That homemade lemonade looks a real thirst quencher - hope the wedding went well :) #LTTL

    1. I'll post the easy lemonade recipe next week. And the wedding went beautifully!

  14. i have cute straws like that... hmmm now i need lemonade... to get on my prop list a scale and a fun cutting board. i found a cutting board at a fun antique store for $150.000 yikes, I wasn't ready to throw down that kind of money.

    1. I saw my exact scale at an antique store near me for $48. Years ago when I bought it at another antique store, I think I paid $12. I LOVE cutting boards but they can be pricey in antique stores, so look at the thrift stores.

  15. normal is a setting on your hair dryer ~erma bombeck

    {would love to learn the author of your book Before Grace}

  16. Oh, please come help me do some spring cleaning! I love your photos and always love seeing what you've done in your home. So glad you could have some time to catch up a bit after your busy last weeks.

  17. I remember painting rooms after my daughter's wedding. I needed to keep busy. Lemonade is a favorite. Love the photos you shared; the ones from above are nice. I need to try more of that. Have a great week-end.

  18. Lovely ivy captures! I've never heard the word, faffing before. I much prefer your definition!


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