
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Abounding in thanksgiving...

As I'm reading and journaling my way through the Bible this year with the She Reads Truth 365 Days of Truth Bible reading plan, I'm in 1 Kings in the Old Testament, and began Colossians in the New Testament this week.  I love the book of Colossians!  It's one of my favorite New Testament books.  As I'm reading this already much loved and often read book, I'm reminded once again how often the Apostle Paul writes about giving thanks.

Evidently, abounding in thanksgiving was a primary principle taught to the early church by the apostles.  I can see why.  It's all too easy to default to a mumbly, grumbly, unbelieving attitude when you haven't been taught to make thanksgiving a lifestyle, a habit.  And so, while I haven't perfected this practice by any means, I will continue to count my blessings and to give God thanks.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-a wonderful drive to Bandon
-the lighthouse up close

-the way this part of the Oregon coast reminds me of Maine

-a safe drive home from our all too short getaway
-a good talk together 
-revisiting our little trip through the photos

-a good morning in God's Word, (resulting in writing this blog post)
-our youngest grandson so excited to see me!
(He kept repeating "Nana!Nana!Nana!)
-going to dinner with him and his two older siblings at Chipotle
-our middle daughter and her husband put an offer on a house and it was accepted!

-strawberry waffles for breakfast
-doves that seem to have made their home in our neighborhood

-a nice Friday date day
-finally finding some tomatoes on our plants
-figuring something out that I was having trouble with after I prayed and asked for God's help

-getting chores around the house done before it got too hot
-treating myself to a pedicure
-a successful men's outing for the guys from our church
-a late evening run

-thinking about that day when people from every tribe and tongue will gather round God's throne to praise Him
-a new bag for my camera

still following,


  1. Lots of good stuff here: God's word, new house, your trip, and a new camera bag! What kind of bag did you get? After having my camera repaired, I really want to get a new bag for it that doubles as a pocketbook. We'll see.

    1. I actually found a really lovely leather handbag on clearance and the inside of my camera bag fits perfectly in it. Voila! And it has room for my phone, wallet, etc, too! (More stylish and a third of the cost of a leather camera bag)

  2. Lovely blessings and photos. ❤️

  3. We've been studying Colossians in our Sunday School class the last few weeks! Actually talked about thanksgiving yesterday.

    Your lighthouse photos are so beautiful, Elizabeth.

    May God bless you and your entire family uniquely this week!

    1. I love that we've been studying through Colossians at the same time!

  4. Wonderful blessings and pictures. So peaceful to read your blog. What Bible is this that you are using? Love the writings in it.

    1. My Bible is the Leather Single Column ESV Journaling Bible.

  5. I love the coast of Oregon. It is perhaps the prettiest place I have ever been. And seeing your Bible makes me want a Journaling Bible.

    1. I feel blessed to live here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

  6. The lighthouse photos are beautiful, Elizabeth. Reminded me that God places *lighthouse* moments along the way to cheer and encourage us. And as we take time to note them, and to be grateful for them - as you do so well - we are once again infused with Him!!


  7. Oh, it does look like Maine. Beautiful post.

  8. I do love lighthouses! Enjoyed taking the trip with you though pictures. I can almost hear the sound of the ocean pounding against the shoreline. So glad you could get away.

    1. I hope you can come and see our Oregon Coast sometime!

  9. Somehow I didn't read this until now. Maybe that's good since I was able to be in Bandon earlier this week and enjoy the beach - and my favorite lighthouse, too! I love hearing of the ways God is blessing you, dear friend.


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