
Monday, July 27, 2015


(edited with Kim Klassen's flow texture, hard light, 30% opacity)

 I was told it's best not to be home when the home inspection takes place for our pending sale.  So, while the inspector was there, a friend and I went out to lunch and puttered around Anthropologie.  They were having a sale, so I picked up this cute new cup.  What a ridiculous thing to do, as if I needed one more thing to wrap up and pack up!  At the time, however, I used the excuse that I needed something to cheer myself up after losing the house we wanted to buy to another buyer.

(edited with Kim Klassen's hughes texture, lighten, 20% opacity)

Well, we're back to checking the listings, and having our agent make appointments to see places in person that we're interested in.  Meanwhile, I've got three weeks to pack everything in our house up, including my all too many favorite cups!

(edited with Kim Klassen's benjamin texture, add, 25% opacity)

And for Sonography...
(Edited with Kim Klassen's 2303 texture, hard light, 20% opacity 
Quote from Hello There by Cemorelli)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. I know the Lord will send you just the right home! It's such a tedious process sometimes. We looked at dozens of homes when we bought our last one, but the moment we saw it we was the one.
    Let's not talk about picking up one cup because I am always keeping one eye out for pretty teacups that only end up sitting in the cabinet.
    Wishing you a productive and blessed week, Elizabeth!

    1. God hears and answers! We've got an accepted offer on our new home!

  2. Nice breakfast! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  3. Nice breakfast! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. There's always enough room for one more cup!

    1. Yes, to add to the all too many cute cups I already have!

  5. Beautiful shots.
    Please come link up at

  6. Love the texture on these photos - so soft & warm.
    Just like summer.

  7. perhaps .. at the last moment He'll walk you through the doors of your to-be home and you'll know. you'll simply know. :)

    1. And that's exactly what happened! We have an accepted offer on our new home!

  8. Lovely photographs and I feel your sorrow at not being able to get your first home.
    I must say that the seller and seller's agent were disingenuous about the way they handled their end of that transaction. He has something better for you. You are the second person in my life who is moving. Just found out someone else is too.

  9. Lovely photographs and I feel your sorrow at not being able to get your first home.
    I must say that the seller and seller's agent were disingenuous about the way they handled their end of that transaction. He has something better for you. You are the second person in my life who is moving. Just found out someone else is too.

    1. Abrianna, we just had an offer that was accepted on a home we like as much as the first one!

  10. Agree with Southern Gal--always room for one more cup. xoxox Can't wait to see where God leads you.

    1. I'm embarrassed to admit how many cups I already have!

  11. I think you're fine choosing one cup (from my favorite store!) and it's perfect for photography. So sorry you're having some bumps in the road. Moving -- never smooth, never fun. Sending up a prayer you'll soon find the best home for your next season of adventures!

    1. Sharon, We've found a home we like as much as the first one and our offer was accepted yesterday!

  12. Hope everything works out... and that looks like one yummy breakfast


    1. Thank you, Molly! I think we've found our new home!


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