
Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday Faves...Little Antique Mall, Lincoln City, Oregon

This summer August is crazy full with missions trips overseas.
So, instead of our usual big summer vacation, we've been taking a day or two here and there to getaway.
Last week we took a couple of days away at the beach.

Besides my top favorite activity, walking by the sea,
 I also enjoyed some time at my favorite antique shops.
(Wouldn't that old ice cream cone sign be cute in a vacation home?)

Blue transferware and Franciscan's apple pattern dishes, 
are two things I already have a dish cabinet full of!

Thirty-nine years ago I received some mixing bowls in this pattern for a wedding gift. 
Now I see them frequently in antique stores!

This Watt's apple pattern bowl and pitcher would go with a few pieces I already have.

 I love that old bread display cabinet.

I kind of wish I would have brought this little ironstone pitcher home with me.

That old wooden scoop would look great on my bread board gallery wall.

This little rustic table caught my eye right away.
But, I came home from the antique mall empty handed.
We're getting rid of stuff instead of adding stuff, because...
our home sweet home of sixteen years is on the market!
For three years we've talked about moving closer to our church, 
(my husband is a pastor).
So, with the real estate market really good in our area, it seems like now is the time!
We will see what happens.

Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday everyone
a safe and BLESSED weekend!


TidyMomShabby Art Boutique


  1. love your home it is so warm and inviting I am sure you will get a buyer very soon, then on to a 'new' home to redo... such excitement and sadness. We have been in our home since late 90's and yes it will be hard to move from here too.

    1. We shall see what happens! Putting it in God's hands, He knows what is best for us.

  2. I know that antique mall well. I head there every time I'm in Lincoln City. Loved seeing your sweet home again. I'm down the coast a way from Lincoln City this weekend - in Florence. Doing a bit of thrusting and anti-aging, too.

  3. thanks for the virtual shopping trip, I saw several wonderful things. Hope your home sale and transition is an easy one, God's timing is perfect!

    1. Thank you, Debra! Your prayers are so appreciated.

  4. Just got home from Lincoln City. Spent more than two hours at The Little Antique Mall! The owner of the booth with the ice cream cone sign was there. He was very interesting to talk with! He re-purposes things in such fun ways! I see two things in your picture that I bought! =) Fun!


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