
Friday, July 17, 2015

He leads me by still and restful waters...

{Psalm 23:2b-3a, Amplified Bible}

It feels like the world is in a crazy tailspin right now.
Violence abounds.
Thinking seems to be convoluted.
Common sense appears to be abandoned.
It grieves me.
It overwhelms me.
Until I turn off the news and the noise
and let the Shepherd lead me to still and restful waters.
There He refreshes and restores me.
I want to remain in that place of inner peace and quiet,
that place where I am not troubled, afraid, agitated or unsettled,
even when things around me seem out of control,
even when I'm not on vacation in a beautiful, quiet place.
I have a choice.
I choose to live in God's peace,
even in this world filled with turmoil.

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. These are the times that our hearts, souls & minds need to turn to His truth & promises more than ever. I am thankful for your encouraging posts. I am thankful that as fellow Christians we can share His light and love while encouraging one another.

  2. These are the times that our hearts, souls & minds need to turn to His truth & promises more than ever. I am thankful for your encouraging posts. I am thankful that as fellow Christians we can share His light and love while encouraging one another.

  3. Yes, the daily violence in the news is getting to be a bit much. Can't people feel sad, upset or even anger without killing and hurting others! I feel sorry for my grandchildren, that this is the world in which they know. As we try to shield them, we have to make them "street smart" also.
    Here's a funny memory: When I was in the fifth grade we were studying about the Lindberg baby kidnapping. I came home quite upset and told my mother how scared I was to be kidnapped. She laughed and said, "Nobody will kidnap you, we don't have enough money, you'd be another mouth to feed!!!" Yes, I was relieved.....but look how times have changed. Truly changed, to not know if when you walk out your door your life will be totally changed.
    With prayer, Addie

    1. I loved the memory you shared with me. We definitely grew up in simpler times than our grandchildren have to face.

  4. It was beautiful as usual, using the Word and the photo and putting things together with the Lord for all of us. Absolutely necessary in our present-day world, even though that was written a thousand-ish years ago. Relying on Him. Again, thanks for sharing. Bless you, Elizabeth.

  5. Beside the still waters and resting with Jesus our Good shepherd.

    1. I'd like to stay in this beautiful place physically, but I have to get back to real life. I'm glad that Jesus goes back to real life right along with me!

  6. the other day i was feeling unsettled, disturbed by all that is going on and came to the same conclusion that sometimes i need to turn off all the news and the noise so I can hear my Shepherd. God met me at the least i could hear Him in the silence. thanks for this.

    1. Carol, we are on the same page, and apparently, a beautiful place by a lake, a river, or the sea is the perfect place to spend some time with Jesus for both of us!

  7. Savored this one as I prepare to teach the lesson of the lost sheep and John 10:11 as a memory verse tomorrow in our church's day camp ministry. What heaven-sent timing to read your words early this morning about the peace offered and provided for by our Good Shepherd.

  8. I can think of no better place to be than resting in His Presence beside still waters. I too have been wanting to shut off the world, just for a little bit. It can all be so overwhelming at times.

  9. Thank you for sharing a post that washes us over with peace.

    Just three weeks ago I was on a beautiful lake vacation where I arose early in the morning to go fishing. I just loved the peacefulness of the early mornings and the promise of a whole new day.

    Thank you for reminding me that I can have that same peace when I run to the Lord, my refuge, for peace and solice where He gives us the promise of a whole new life in Heaven with Him. So for now we hold onto that Hope and rest in Him. :-)

  10. I agree, the world seems to be a very "scary" place right now. I think we need these times of peace. Your photo is just lovely.


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