
Friday, July 24, 2015

My times are in Your hands...

Maybe I was silly to think it could all happen so effortlessly.  Twenty four hours after we received a pending sale on our home, we found a house we both loved, in a great location close to our church. It was even listed for below the amount we had both agreed on was our target price.  So, we made our offer, our realtor being assured by the seller's realtor that our offer was the first one on the table.  

At lunch today, I looked at the listing for the house one more time, and was surprised to see it listed as sale pending.  We still had not gotten a call that our offer had been accepted.  Instead, we had been told that the seller's agent was having a hard time reaching the seller, who was "traveling".  What was really happening was that she was stalling for a client that she had shown the property and whom she knew was interested to get their documentation together for an offer.  In other words, she never presented the seller with our offer or our letter of intent, (the seller was evidently a Christian judging by things we had seen in the home, so in our letter of intent we had told the seller a bit about ourselves and how much we liked the home, and our desire to move closer to the church my husband pastors).  Anyway, a pending sale happened on the house with our offer being unseen by the seller and ignored by the seller's agent in favor of a client that enabled her to get both the selling and buying fees.  It made me heartsick.

It's at times like this that it's easy to forget that I told God to open or close doors according to His perfect will.  I forget the many times I gave it into His hands and told Him I trusted Him.  What I remember is the way I was already making it our home in my head.  That's me,  emotionally over invested in a house we don't even own yet. My times are in His hands is a truth I need to keep imprinted on my mind and hidden deep in my heart if I'm to make it though this transition time with a peaceful attitude.  "No good, (beneficial), thing will He withheld from those who walk uprightly", it says in Psalm 84:11.  I must trust that He knows something, He sees something, that I'm not seeing right now.  

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Oh, my dear friend, I know the disappointment - and how unfair it seems. I'm praying for you and that God will open the door to the 'perfect' home. It could still be this one. I've seen pending sales fall through and I've seen unfair things reverse and become such a blessing. I'm praying that God will open a door no agent can shut!

    1. It was the perfect house for us at just the right price. Nothing we've looked at so far has compared.

  2. Elizabeth,
    How disappointing...I'm sorry...and how wise of you to remember the truth of God's sovereignty...praying now that God will provide just the right home for you and your husband and it will be clear it is the right home for you both...((hugs))

  3. I'm so sorry! When we moved here 10 years ago, I often reminded myself of the scripture that says God knows the exact place we would live. (Acts 17:26). Praying that you'll be blown away by the perfection of God in His answer!

  4. I'm so sorry! When we moved here 10 years ago, I often reminded myself of the scripture that says God knows the exact place we would live. (Acts 17:26). Praying that you'll be blown away by the perfection of God in His answer!

  5. I'm so sorry! When we moved here 10 years ago, I often reminded myself of the scripture that says God knows the exact place we would live. (Acts 17:26). Praying that you'll be blown away by the perfection of God in His answer!

  6. So sad, i am sorry, is that even legal for them to not present an offer? heart breaking news, but maybe there is another one even better, waiting for you.

    1. Our agent said that it's not exactly illegal but it's very unethical.

  7. On my heart, and the hearts of many. Hope everything works out well for you. As I often say, which is part of the "Annie" book... "Life Gets Complicated!". And the Lord is the only one Who can readjust things safely and put us in the right direction. Sometimes things change, but He will protect and keep us. I've sure known much of this sort of thing in the past 40 years. Bless you, Dear.

    1. Thank you for your words of encouragement, my friend.

  8. Disappointing -yes!!! ....but it ain't over till it's over!!! The real estate game is NOT a fun one for sure!!! Especially for those of us (includes me) that get emotionally invested before the final sigh off. We never know Gods' plan and what He sees and knows about a situation. Maybe the plumbing was shot or in a flood zone or maybe a non-stop barking dog next door!!??!! I know you know all of this already, but...He that has carried you this far is NOT going to drop you now!!!! He has your best at hand. YOU!!! are a faithful follower to Him and He will see to it, that you get His best.
    Will be praying for you!!!

    1. I am trusting that God will work this all out for our good. Thank you for your encouraging words, Addie.

  9. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry for your disappointment, and so encouraged by the way you are making it an offering to the Lord. Thank you for your words of faith.

    1. Thank you, Michele, for your encouragement. I find myself full of faith one moment and discouraged the next!

  10. Oh Elizabeth, I too am so sorry for your disappointment. But once again, you've made your light shine by reminding us to "walk uprightly" and have faith in the Lord. I believe He will reward you....and He has the last judgement. Thank you for such an important reminder.

    1. Thank you so much, Cheryl. You are a blessing.

  11. Elizabeth, how very disappointing. In the days ahead, may God unfold His plan & you all see, He had something better! Blessings!

    1. Yes, waiting to see what God does with all of this!

  12. Elizabeth, I have a similar story, but one that I hope will encourage you. :-)

    Before I was a believer, my husband and I planned to move two towns over from our very first home. We found the house we liked, in an established neighborhood which we were excited about as we had an 18 month old. The realtor kept nudging us to the same identitical house but in a neighborhood that was behind boat factories. I really, really wanted the other house and could see us there, but it was blocked "forcing our hand" to buy the other home by the boat factories.

    Looking back, it was moving to THAT house that changed the course of mine and my husband's lives. It was there that I met Makiko, who shared a Bible with me; I also met Paula who introduced me to Cindy who introduced me to the Lord! A year later my husband came to know the Lord as well. Through Paula I met Susan who introduced me to a church where we became members, where my husband was moved to go to seminary and become a pastor; where my daughter met my now son-in-law and who have just had my precious four month old granddaughter!

    The Lord had amazing plans for me and my family which all stemmed from blocking the house I wanted to buy and orchestrating events so that we moved into the house we currently live in now.

    I hope this offers you great encouragement that the Lord has something wonderful set aside for you and your husband. :-)

    1. What an encouraging testimony! Thank you so much!

  13. I understand how easy it is to immediately dream of something as our own even before reality sets in. I remember doing that the first time I was pregnant and also when buying a house. I am praying with you that God holds all the answers that you need and as you move forward you learn that God always had your best interests in His hands. Blessed you shared this at The Weekend Brew.

    1. Thank you so much, Mary. You are an encouragement and a blessing.

  14. What a discouraging moment. I love that you found a scripture to hold you up during this trial and time of waiting. I imagine that something better will come up when the time is right. - Lori

    1. Thank you so much! That is what I am praying as well!

  15. In these moments, it's when we know God has our best interests in mind. He's holding out for the perfect place for you two.

  16. so frustrating and disappointing...but exciting to see what the Lord does have for you!

  17. That is really too bad but I believe you are dealing with the situation in a proper manner. I pray that just the right house will find it's way to you very soon.

  18. Well said..........
    I needed that!


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