
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Thankful for my Rock...

Sometimes I get my eyes on the things around me and forget the fact that I'm standing on the Solid Rock. 
The world, our nation, the culture, swirls around me with unrest, upheaval and confusion.
Our own life swirls with possible change ahead.
I'm a security lover, a peace lover, a routine lover.
I need to remember that the Rock beneath my feet never changes.
He's the same yesterday, today and forever.
He's always been there for me and always will be.
He's reliable, trustworthy, faithful, true.
No matter what is swirling around me, I can trust Him.
Now that is something to be thankful for!

Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)

-cheery daisies

-as I read through the Bible this year, God spoke to me through today's reading about the situation in our world
-making plans for our future-maybe a possible move closer to the church

-two nights away at the beach!
-texted photos of our youngest grandson, who our daughter calls "the tornado",
(he's super good natured, but very busy!)
-feeling like I'm "getting it" on how to run my new business
-chatting with my youngest daughter on the phone
-pictures of our youngest granddaughters on their other Papa and Nana's Facebook, 
(they're at their house for a few days)

-a great night's sleep
-starting the day with a walk on the beach
-some good news!

-a safe trip home from our little getaway
-coffee with one of our elder's wives
-a good prayer night at our church

-spending the day with our middle daughter and their family at their campsite
-going fishing!

-fresh trout for dinner

-my daddy's birthday-he would have been 94 today
-our country's 239th birthday
-a fun fourth of July with family and friends cooling off at the river

-a fun holiday weekend Sunday with good worship, a good message, 
and lunch and a homemade ice cream contest afterwards
-God's provision
-talking with friends about life and change

gratefully yours,


  1. Hi Elizabeth! I'm refreshed just looking at the photo of your granddaughter in the river! What a fun day for all of you. You have such a lovely, close family...what a joy!
    Counting your blessings each day is such a great way to remember how God looks after you, and brings you joy. It sure sounds like He keeps those blessings coming! Happy birthday to your dear Dad, and I know that he's looking down on you and yours with a great big smile :)

    1. Ceil, having my family all near me is a huge blessing. I don't take it for granted since at one time one daughter and her family was in Africa and one daughter was living in Missouri. Now all three girls and their husbands and all five grandchildren are close by!

  2. Thank you for the reminder that I'm standing on the Rock! I always love to see your photos and hear of your gratitudes for each day. My gratitude list - which I recently began (again!) is growing.

    1. I'm so happy that you are keeping a gratitude journal!

  3. The title of your post drew me in...always a needed reminder about Christ, our Rock, who never changes and is firm and reliable. I've not had much stability or security in my adult life, and at times I find myself slipping into fear of the future. God has always been faithful, and good reminder that he will continue to be.
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, your comment made me wish I could sit and talk with you face to face. Much love to you, and may you know with deep assurance that the rock beneath your feet is unshakeable and steady.

  4. Water fun! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. It was fun. We've had unusually hot weather for over a month here in Portland, Oregon, so the time in the river was refreshing!


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