
Saturday, August 1, 2015

A new thing...

I'm not a big fan of big changes.  I'm a person who likes my routine, my home, my familiar surroundings.  Even a much anticipated vacation is precipitated with a feeling of hesitation about leaving home as I'm packing. Every. Single. Time.

I was born right outside of Portland, Oregon.  When God called my husband and I to a church in Portland 18 years ago, my roots grew deep in the familiar soil of the city I'd always known and loved.  Six years ago, our church in Portland merged with a church in Vancouver, Washington.  Five years ago, we moved the church to Vancouver and prepared for our son-in-law to plant a church in southeast Portland with a core group of people from our sending church.  We, in essence, passed the torch that God had placed in us for Portland to him.  So, we've been pastoring our church in Vancouver, but were still living in our cozy little home in Portland.  I still walked/jogged two loops around my neighborhood 4 or 5 days a week, like I'd always done.  I still drove my familiar habitrails to the bank, store, and my favorite thrift and antique stores in Portland.  Meanwhile, my husband commuted back and forth to Vancouver six days a week.  "It makes sense for us to move to Vancouver,"  he often said, but I was dragging my feet inside.  

Less than a month ago we finally put our home on the market.  House values are up and the market is hot in Portland.  It sold in under three weeks.  I felt anxious, unsettled, unsure.  I walked my neighborhood and said my goodbyes and shed my tears.  We found a home and made an offer but lost the house to another offer due to some rather unethical things the selling agent did. I wrestled with that one, feeling confused why God allowed that to happen.  I struggled about leaving my beloved city, though in reality I wasn't going to be living much farther from it than the little town I had been born and raised in.  Somehow, being across the Columbia River and in a whole other state made it seem farther.  

Today,  we were notified that our offer was accepted on a home we saw yesterday.  I didn't think we were going to find a house we liked as well as the first home we made an offer on and lost, but I guess God knows better.  Your prayers for a smooth closing for the buyer of our home, and for us, would be appreciated.

I don't know when it happened, but sometime, somehow, God made a shift in my heart.  It feels like I finally let go here, and am actually ready and anticipating the new thing God has for us. 

still following,
P.S. I've not been on my regular posting schedule this week, and have been slow to respond to your comments,  due to house hunting and other related busyness, which will probably continue over the next month.  Thank you for your patience with me.

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Hi Elizabeth! I don't know why it has taken me so long (2+ years!) but I finally subscribed to your blog via e-mail. This post so resonates with me. I have been through a lot of changes in the last 16 months and I think at times that I can't do another one. My home is also on the market, but not in an area that is a hot real estate market. :-) I have followed your house hunting journey by following your FB posts. I'll be praying for a smooth closing on both transactions.
    I'm sorry you lost the first house, but isn't God good? He knows best, even when it doesn't make sense.
    Have you pre-ordered Kristen Strong's book Girl Meets Change? I received an Advance Reader Copy and it is an incredibly book on how change can hold and shape us. You might want to check it out:
    Thank you for sharing your heart and your story.

    1. Thank you so much for the recommendation, Mary!

  2. Looking at it from my perspective, I knew God had something better, even more perfect for you two. I'm so glad you found another home you like so much. Praying this will be the one!

    1. I am thankful that God led us to this house, and it's not far from our church either!

  3. I'm still praying! Like you, I struggle with leaving home for vacations and days away but I'm always glad when the time comes to relax and enjoy time away. I can't wait to see how God bring it all together for you, dear friend - and I can't wait to see your new home. In change, He remains!!

  4. I wish you all the best in your new home.


  5. I am using one of my precious "Ma" statements when I say "Now, don't that beat all!" I knew He had it all in His hands and I am so thankful it has come now. Take all the time you need. We will be here praying for you. God bless.

  6. So thrilled for you and so glad you found a house you like even better--I join you in prayer for your requests and pray you have many happy years of ministry and service to the blessed folks in Vancouver.

  7. I found myself shaking my head in agreement with your comments about how change is not easy. I understand that completely. During my growth in Christ the past 2 1/2 years, I have found it is simply letting Him take control. I love seeing the things that He can do when I simply pray, trust & believe. I hear His sweet voice saying, "have faith little one, have faith". Continued prayers for you & your hubs during this time of transition.

    1. Yes, He's been patiently reminding me to trust Him, Krista.

  8. Hi Elizabeth, I'm glad that you are welcoming your new home: Home Is Where The Heart Is. You and your family make the home; it has nothing to do with location, furnishing, and square feet. But, it has everything to do with the love and laughter a family brings wherever God may bring them together. God Bless.

  9. As usual, I'd sure love to see you again. AND either Portland or Vancouver. In a way, Vancouver, since it doesn't have as many people, it's a little easier to get around. AND being near Columbia River is what counts with and for me. And seeing Mount Hood is easier right in that area. So wherever you are, you'll smile. Trusting the Lord for your location is all that counts. He's done it to us to keep us in places where we can help other people. That's a real ministry situation. Bless you. You two are a treat to many! Bless you, Elizabeth.

    1. That's true. I'll still be close to everything and everyone I love.

    2. And, as I said, Bless you. You are a real treat out there!

  10. Elizabeth,
    I too struggle with change...I don't know why?....I've had plenty of unwanted practice with it!!!!
    We will be excited to see all your new decorating talents and hear of your new jaunts to new favorite spots!!!
    Take your time settling may not even have internet service for awhile. We will all be waiting & praying for the best for you!!! It sounds like things went pretty fast and not too painful. God knows what is best for us.

    1. I am excited to get moved in and to make this house our home! Thank you for your love and support Addie!

  11. Rejoicing with you over your new home. God is good!

    1. I can't wait til closing is done and I can show you and tell you the whole story.

  12. Thanks for sharing the story of this stage of your life. We will be making similar changes over the next few years -and hearing your concerns and seeing your faith and how God is working in your life is an encouragement to me. Thanks!

    1. Donna, our current home is two stories and we are moving to a one level, which is also closer to the church we pastor. We've been commuting for six years and now we'll live five minutes away!

  13. t is amazing what happens when we let go of our plans for God's! Wish you were moving to my community - but how blessed this new community will be! I'm so excited for this new thing God has planned! Shalom, Elizabeth!
    ~Maryleigh (P.S. - I've been having trouble getting my comments to save here - just a heads up)

    1. Hi friend, I have no idea why the comment thing happens at times. Some blogger glitch I assume, but I'm too chicken to make the big switch to something else.

  14. Hooray for finding a new home. Praying all goes well with the closing and such.

  15. Hi Elizabeth, I'm so glad you've found a new home after your disappointment-- but I knew God would provide for you. So glad you had a Happy Birthday. I love following your blog and seeing your beautiful home and family. Will look forward to seeing your next beautiful home when you have time.


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