
Monday, August 3, 2015

Birthday blessings...

Today is my fifty eighth birthday.  (How did I get here?  Wow!  Life zooms by too fast!) My husband is in Ghana, West Africa with a team from our church that includes, among others, my second born daughter, our oldest granddaughter and our youngest grandson.  As you can see, our grandson is quite a hit and seems to be a natural born missionary like his mama and siblings.

I was dreading this birthday with my husband so far away, but my family, friends and church family made the day so special for me.  I received cards, flowers and a gift card from the people in our church.  My oldest grandson who, along with his daddy, were unable to make the trip to Ghana with the rest of their family due to work/sports,  brought me flowers and a card just from him.  They went to lunch with me after church along with my nephew and his family and some friends.  I got lots of calls and texts throughout the day from my daughters and siblings.  I'm so thankful that communication is so worldwide now, so I talked to and texted my husband, granddaughter and daughter in Ghana and received a text from my far away missionary brother as well.

Today resulted in a much needed shift in my focus.  As we are going through the transition of selling the home we've lived in for over 16 years and buying a new to us home in Vancouver, Washington my focus was too much centered there.  Today my focus was brought back to how richly blessed I am to have open access to Father God through Jesus Christ and to be blessed with love and relationships with family and friends.  I am blessed.  I have so much to be thankful for.
Since 2009 I've been counting my blessings thanks to the prompting of Ann Voskamp.
 I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little green journal.
(and capturing some of my blessings via my camera or iPhone)


-a family of raccoons in a parade across the street
-a fun dinner to look at the wedding photos with our youngest daughter, son-in-law and his parents
(youngest daughter and her husband)
(oldest granddaughter)

youngest grandson
(middle granddaughter)
(our three girls)
(youngest granddaughter)

(our son-in-law and oldest grandson)
-listening to our son-in-law's old Keith Green album on vinyl record

-an afternoon with our middle granddaughter while our daughter brought her little sister to the dr.
-taking her to the same park I grew up playing at
-telling the grandgirlies stories about when I was a kid

-finishing the book of Ephesians and starting the book of Acts with the 365 days of truth Bible reading plan
-the amazing Word of God
-a not too bad inspection report on our house

-a good heart talk
-putting an offer on a house 
-a good lunch together
-a birthday celebration with the family before the Ghana trip
-tickets to go see the Broadway show "Wicked" with my girls

-time with my brother
-our house offer accepted!
-my sister's heart procedure going well
-helping my oldest daughter with house chores and the girls since she caught the youngest one's strep

-a phone call from my hubs saying they arrived safely in Kumasi, Ghana
-taking the two youngest granddaughters to the splash park so my daughter can rest
-going to bed early after a hectic last few days

-my 7am text from my hubs to wake up, just like he does every Sunday morning from his church office,
 even though today he's in Ghana
-flowers and a birthday card from Malachi
-birthday cards, flowers and a gift card from our church family
-birthday lunch with friends and family
-birthday texts/calls from all my girls
-birthday calls and texts from my siblings
-a dear friend that I haven't seen or heard from in almost 20 years finding me on Facebook
-our oldest granddaughter's lost luggage found

gratefully yours, 


  1. Happy Birthday, Elizabeth! You certainly don't look 58 and I know of what you speak. ;)

    Beautiful wedding pictures, old Keith Green albums and that photo of the grandson in Ghana are my favorites. Have a great day!

  2. Beautiful list and photos. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Happiest Birthday, Elizabeth! Oh, may this day bring you much happiness, and the wonderful knowledge of how much God loves YOU! Birthdays are wonderful, aren't they? (I like them!) But the best day of all is the day that we accepted Jesus as our Savior. Because of that, no matter how many candles we put on that birthday cake, we have forever ahead of us!!


    1. That's right! I'm so thankful that this life is not all that there is!

  4. This reminds me so much of my weekend.... I was just thanking God this weekend for all the pople who ran toward me and offered and actually did help me in big and small ways with all of life problems (this weekend problem.... fleas in house and I had allergic reaction to the flea bomber....). I went through a very unwanted and sudden divorce last year and feel alone a lot, but with all these people in my life that God has placed to help me, it reminds me I am not alone... and even with your family away on a misson trip God has placed others aroundy ou to remember you on your birthday. Happy Birthday,

    1. I am so sorry for your recent divorce. As a child who's daddy left us and mama for another woman, I know how divorce is really harder to cope with than a death in so many ways. It's not a "clean cut" but more of a "tearing apart". I pray that God will comfort, provide for, and bless you beyond what you can ask or think.

  5. Oh my goodness, it seems like just yesterday that you were writing about turning 57--can it possibly be? 58--if it's 58 for you then it's another year older for me--sure hope the rest of today is beautiful--so thrilled for you and all the good things happening!

    1. Oh, friend, life just flies by doesn't it? Savoring the each day that God gives us is so important....even the ones filled with packing boxes!

  6. HAPPY~HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! Enjoy your day....then pack tomorrow!!!
    It sounds like 58 will be a good one for you...lots going on to be thankful for.


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