
Monday, August 3, 2015

Fun with flowers...

(edited with Kim Klassen's 2203 texture, hardlight texture, 30% opacity)

A pretty birthday bouquet from a friend at church, plopped into my rustic old watering can, 
tempted me away from packing up for our move to take some photos.

(no texture)

As if it takes much to tempt me away from packing!
We've been in our current home for 16 years, so it's been a good long while 
since I've had to do all work involved with selling a home, buying a home, or packing up a home.
Now I get to do all of the above.

(edited with Kim Klassen's everyday texture, hard light)

I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize of making a new to us house into our home.

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, lighten 25% opacity)

Meanwhile, a little photo shoot and some photo editing was a good distraction for a little while.

(edited with Kim Klassen's 1412 texture, hard light, 60% opacity)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. All the best with your move! Packing and unpacking are two of my least favorite things to do.

    1. Thank you so much! I can't wait until it's done!

  2. Beautiful shots!
    Thanks for linking up at

  3. Good luck with the move! These flowers are so pretty!

  4. My old water can looks just like that. Dents and all.

    1. That's what I love about the old watering can, the character!

  5. Hi Elizabeth! Happy Birthday to you! What beautiful flowers, and a perfect distraction for you too. There's just nothing like good friends...
    God bless your efforts as you organize and pack,

  6. Very lovely! I like the idea of the flowers being in the watering can!

  7. Love that watering can! Moving is tough work, wishing the best!

    1. Kristy, I can't wait til we're all settled in to our new place!

  8. And what lovely photos they are too. We have moved four times in our 13 years of marriage and I know how difficult it can be to do all of that.

    We did not move into this house until August 1st. I was not happy since I had to unpack quickly and find the school stuff so I could start school. Told my husband that once school starts, my unpacking is done, as I could not do both. I fell your pain, I really do.

  9. And what lovely photos they are too. We have moved four times in our 13 years of marriage and I know how difficult it can be to do all of that.

    We did not move into this house until August 1st. I was not happy since I had to unpack quickly and find the school stuff so I could start school. Told my husband that once school starts, my unpacking is done, as I could not do both. I fell your pain, I really do.

    1. Abrianna, in our early years of marriage we moved more often, but what a blessing it was to live in this home for 16 years! The moving on is bittersweet.

  10. Simply lovely, Elizabeth. I have a watering can like that and it's fun to dress it up.

  11. Beautiful flowers to be sure, great photography!!!
    Hope you will join us to party too!!

  12. Love your photos. I'm praying for you, dear friend. My computer has been in the shop so I'm catching up a bit but the prayers have continued.

    1. Oh no! I thought your computer was relatively new! Thank you so much for your prayers.


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