
Friday, August 14, 2015

God's eyes are on my ways, God sees all my steps...

My eyes fell upon this scripture in the book of Job that at sometime in the past I'd underlined with red colored pencil in my Amplified Bible.   I was feeling particularly lost that day in the midst of this crazy season of selling our long time home in Portland, Oregon and moving to a new to us home across the Columbia River in Vancouver, Washington. All of this is happening simultaneously as a previously scheduled ministry trip to London.  We certainly didn't calculate that our home would sell at the time it did, with the closing happening a couple of days before we leave.  Since our new to us home won't be closed yet, all of our belongings will be put in storage until we get home.  I told you we were in the middle of a crazy season! I don't like chaos.  I don't like crazy.  I don't like upheaval.  But, as that seems to be the path I'm on right now,  I'm so glad that God's eyes are me, that He sees, that He cares about my steps!  

still following,

Scripture and Snapshot


Also happily linking up with the lovely Lisha Epperson 


  1. Praying for you as God directs your steps through the 'maze' of the weeks ahead.

  2. Encouraging words, Elizabeth! Love the book of Job...
    Mary Alice

  3. So thankful He watches over us and knows the path before us! Praying for peace in your sweet soul today, my friend. God bless through this season. :)
    blessings, Cindy~

  4. What an encourager you are! What reassurance we have in knowing that He not only knows the steps, but He is right there beside us. Praying for you to have peace & calm during this season in your life. Praying for all transitions to go smoothly & for you to have blessed time on your trip with your hubs.

  5. What an encourager you are! What reassurance we have in knowing that He not only knows the steps, but He is right there beside us. Praying for you to have peace & calm during this season in your life. Praying for all transitions to go smoothly & for you to have blessed time on your trip with your hubs.

  6. i'm your next door neighbor today elzabeth:) i feel for you girl! our house sold faster than anticipated...a good problem in most ways for sure, but we had 2 moves after we got to huntsville a year apart and still need to whittle down more. it's nice you can finish the sale of your home, take a pause, then do the trip and move. in the long run, i think you are less likely to burn out.
    blessings on you upcoming trip and move:)

  7. Love that picture. As for the crazy and the chaos, well, I suppose you can't do anything about it while you're away, so you may as well not even think about it...easy for ME to say, huh?!

  8. WHEW! So much going on your traveling plate right now and your house-changing situation. However, people will help you, I'm sure. AND it's not winter, so you might not have the horrific rain and snows that will interrupt this whole event for you. Anyhow, you are a blessing and I'm sure you will be blessed. Would love to see you and would love to help!! But can't. Too far away! Bless you...

  9. I did a Bible study on Job a while back and your words caught my eyes, as well. :)

  10. it's such a comfort to know that God knows!

  11. What a crazy, beautiful time. I think I would love packing everything up, putting it in storage - and then go on a God-journey. When I got back, it would be so much more a refreshing to create home! Wishing you much blessing during this! He has so many surprises in store for you!

  12. Elizabeth,
    I like what Kym said above...just perfect. Prayer will get you through.....and you are getting plenty of that!!! Have a great time and just enjoy each moment without thinking too much about the next "to do" list.
    Bless you!!!

  13. I am not a fan of upheaval either. It's hard to really trust God when you feel exhausted, frazzled, and unsettled. But, you're so right - He knows our paths. And every single day has been laid out before us. Some days can only be walked one step at a time, but even in that, He is there - behind, ahead, beside.



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