
Monday, August 10, 2015

On the downhill slide to a new season...

(edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hard light, 20% opacity)

I feel the waning away of summer.
The flowers are beginning to look tattered and heat weary.
I'm seeing pots of autumn mums in front of the stores.
We are on the downhill slide to a new season, on the calendar and in our lives.
I'm feeling a bit tattered and heat weary myself.
Packing up a house to move is pretty close to the top on the list of things I don't enjoy doing.
Yet, unpacking at our new to us house and making it into our home 
is near the top on the list of things I love to do.
That part can't come soon enough for me.
Meanwhile, I pack and I wait for all of the behind the scenes paperwork and transactions to be finished,
 praying for it all to go smoothly,
 and praying for myself to keep my heart filled with grace and patience!

(desat 20% then edited with Kim Klassen's day texture, hard light 40%)

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. The theme of our ladies' retreat a few years ago always comes to mind at times like this: 'In change, He remains'! I am praying for you, dear friend, as you move into a new season. I can't wait to see your new home and hear all the wonderful things God is doing.

  2. praying for a smooth transaction .. and that your hearts are being readied for sweet gifts from the Father.

    1. Thank you, prayers for a smooth transition are exactly what I need!

  3. Saying a prayer right now for your new season. And, by the way, I couldn't believe you had on a jacket in one of your recent FB pics! Sounds absolutely amazing to this GA girl!


    1. Thank you for your prayers! On the Oregon Coast, we can have shirt sleeve weather in January and jacket weather in August! You just never know!

  4. I'm right there with you, Elizabeth! I feel summer easing into autumn, not the temps but in life. We may be facing a move soon, too. 16 years in one place makes for a lot of stuff. I'm in the process of cleaning out and getting rid of in anticipation of something changing. We'll make it, though! :)
    Love the images you posted.

    1. Anne, I'm embarrassed at how much stuff I have, after priding myself on going through and getting rid of stuff quite frequently! Praying for God's leading in all that is ahead for you.

  5. Oh, my! I've been too wrapped up in myself to know what's happening with YOU! I shall go back and read past posts....and hold you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you for the prayers, Rebecca! I definitely need and appreciate them.

  6. Praying for you, my friend.
    blessings, Cindy~

  7. I hope your new house will provide the same beautiful feelings your present house has done! I, too, missed the first post about selling that darling little house we've seen on your blog.

    1. It's full of LIGHT, Evelyn! I'm so excited about that.

  8. So beautiful. I will be planting mums in September. :)

    1. I hope to be planting some mums at my new home, too, by September!

  9. Seems like the seasons come and go so much faster anymore. I've seen mums at the garden stores too and a few trees here in town are already beginning to turn colors. - Praying your move will all go smoothly.

    1. Yes, life zooms by, doesn't it? Your prayers for our move are much needed and appreciated.

  10. Had no idea you were moving. Will go back and read up. Our summer has flown by. The girls still are cramming lots of activities in their days. Hershey Park for one and floating yoga for the other! Have blessed day!

    1. Linda, summer has zoomed by hasn't it? Have fun for the remainder, and I really want to know more about floating yoga!


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