
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trying to enjoy this wild and crazy ride...

When it's time to open presents on Christmas morning, we have a tradition of opening presents one at a time, starting with the youngest family member and working our way around the group to the oldest, until the space under the Christmas tree is empty and the living room is knee high in wrapping paper. I like the savoring of the moment, being able to see what each person received, noticing the expression on their face when they open the gift that they'd been wishing for.

In Elizabeth world, life would happen just like that.  Big life changing events would only be allowed to happen one at a time.  Never would events like having a baby and moving happen simultaneously, God forbid!  Your youngest child is leaving for college?  Well, of course the whole world should momentarily stop while you process the emotions of this huge life change!  In Elizabeth world, time to process change, to savor life's important moments, would be mandatory.  Don't I wish!

My husband should be arriving at the airport in Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa as I am typing these words.  Tomorrow he will finally be home where he will be greeted by boxes stacked almost ceiling height in the living room and all of the kitchen shelves and pantry empty.  Welcome home, honey!  God willing, the sale of our house closes in under two weeks.  It looks like the sale of our new home won't close until the end of the month, so we will be in limbo for a while as we wait.  All of these events, taken one at a time, seem reasonably doable.  Except....

On previous trips to Ghana, we've been at our Ghanaian brother in the Lord's church conference at the same time as a group from a church in London.  This month, that church  in London is having a conference, at which my husband has been asked to speak.  So, in the middle of all of this moving and house closing turmoil, we are going to LONDON!  What an amazing gift this is!  I want to open it, examine it, turn it over in my hands, and feel all the feels of excitement.  Except, I'm too dang busy signing documents and packing boxes and paying for inspections and appraisals and all the rest of the overwhelming things that moving and selling and buying a home entails.  But that's not all....

Since we're going to be in London, it's way too close to my husband's ancestral home of SCOTLAND to not hop over there for a day trip.  So, while we won't be exploring Scotland thoroughly by any means, we will set our feet on the soil of my husband's paternal grandparent's native land.  But that's not all...

Since we're going to be in London, it's way too close to PARIS, to not take a quick trip over there to at least lay eyes on the Eiffel Tower and to eat a croissant and to savor a café au lait!  Can you believe it?  Oh, how I wish we could really take time to thoroughly explore Paris, and then move on to see the rest of France, but, for now,  the fact that I'm even going to get to see Paris at all is abundantly above all that I could ask or think.  (Why my fascination with France, ever since I was a young girl?  Because this is my ancestry on Mama's side.)

I feel like I'm sitting in the middle of a Christmas present opening free for all.  Wrapping paper is flying everywhere.  People are squealing with delight.  Only it's all happening at once so I don't get to savor it, to notice all of the details, to feel all of the feels.  Elizabeth world is turned all topsy turvy and Elizabeth is holding on for dear life, just trying to enjoy this wild and crazy ride.

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Darling Downs Diaries

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  1. That is crazy exciting... wow. can you even imagine? you will be more than ready to get settled and ready for the holidays in your new home soon.

  2. Oh my goodness, what an exciting adventure!! Some gifts are *big*! Cannot wait to see the photos you'll take, and read the words you'll write!

    As for the rest of life's *stuff* - like the hard stuff, the painful stuff, the unexpected stuff - I'd like to live in Elizabeth world, just sayin'...


    1. Sharon, I'm sure there will be LOTS of pictures and posts about both our big trip and our big move to our new to us home.

  3. It sounds like you're going to have a blast in a little bit of time! That picture at the top of the post reminds me of the one hanging in the French Provincial living room in my childhood home.

    1. I'm anxious to get to the "fun stuff" and to be done with the packing and the constant paperwork stuff!

  4. In the midst of the wild and crazy ride know that there will be little gifts/nuggets of special moments. Store them in your heart because when this particular ride is over, you will find time to reflect on them, to enjoy the feelings and memories they evoke. Those special moments tucked between the wild turns and crazy loops of life keep us on the rails because we don't want to miss the precious gifts from Him that make the ride worth it! Love you and praying for a peaceful heart in the midst of it all!

    1. Thank you for your prayers for a peaceful heart. That's exactly what I need!

  5. Oh, my glad 'Elizabeth World' is expanding. Hold on to your hat!

    1. Well, that's a beautiful spin on what feels so CRaZY! Love you, friend.

  6. i hear you. you are one kind of woman to be hanging on like this in your non-Elizabeth world. Blessings on the happy chaos.

    1. Carol, thank you for your understanding and your prayers. I kind of want to get in bed and cover up and ignore all the stuff that remains to be done!

  7. How wonderful! Your obsession is France; mine is England and Scotland! Much joy and rest in the midst of the frenzy.

    1. Ginger, thank you for your prayers, friend. I hope to post lots of photos for your to enjoy!

  8. How wonderful! Your obsession is France; mine is England and Scotland! Much joy and rest in the midst of the frenzy.

  9. love the title elizabeth world- in God's eyes, it all is! enjoy! (we also open one at a time... a little sad when it's all done--someday it won't be!!) next to you at Holley's all the way in California!

  10. Wow, Elizabeth. What an amazing season of opportunity God has set before you. The timing isn't always ideal, but the opportunity is worth savoring none the less. We close on the sale of our home in 4 days so I relate to the boxes and the uncertainty. Praying that God goes before in every hurdle and you see glimpses of His glory along the way! #tellhisstory

    1. Tiffany, it is an amazing season. I need to remember that in the midst of the chaos. Praying for you move, Tiffany!

  11. How exciting! Enjoy and rest in God's grace! Blessings to you, neighbor!

  12. Oh my goodness! We spread our gift giving out even more than you do--starting on the first day of winter, we each open one gift per day, with stockings on Christmas morning., and continue until the gifts run out. (This was a reaction to my husband's frenzied childhood Christmas mornings when everything happened at once.) But what a gift you are being given to unwrap! You will just have to take it one day at a time, remembering that God is surprised by none of it--and He is in control! Enjoy His blessings!

    1. Marilyn, WoW! Your gift giving idea is amazing!

  13. WOW!!! You GO Girl!!! AND your taking the time to blog about it!!! Why is it sometimes all or nothing? What a year you are having. Just think, by the time you get back to settle in your new home the holidays will be right around the corner!!! sshhh! I didn't say that.
    Yes, you are too close not to go. Enjoy each moment as it comes and you will survive it.
    God Bless

    1. Addie, I'm going to look back on this year and smile, right? It's been good, it's been hard, it's been chaotic, it's been surprising, it's been crazy!

  14. What a gift! - I'd love to see a few of these sights (probably never will) so do take pictures and share.

    1. I will be so glad to step on that plane, because, by that time, all of the moving out will be done. (All of the moving in will have to wait til we get back)

  15. What an amazing gift! I pray that you savor each and every moment. I pray that you and your husband have a safe trip and that everything goes well with the closing on your home. Thanks for stopping by my site I am your neighbor at Good Morning Mondays.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers! I really need them, in the midst of all of this.

  16. I love the analogy of life events being like Christmas and only opening one at a time. But isn't it amazing how these events all seem to fall into place (with lots of planning on the part of the woman, who holds it all together!)? Enjoy that time!

    1. Mary, I wish I was holding it all together better than I am! I'm trusting God that it will all work everything out according to His purpose!

  17. I hope that your husband made it home safe and sound. I can almost hear the wrapping paper piling up with all the unwrapping and flinging! I pray safety, rest, and success (however God chooses that to look) on all your upcoming travels and your move!

    1. He's home safe and sound! Your prayers are much appreciated, Lisa!

  18. Oh, I am so excited for you and your husband. Present upon present in scenery and history. Present upon present from God in the grace that He is and will shed upon you as you follow His will.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda


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