
Monday, September 28, 2015

A sunny yellow mum...

(Psalm 62:1-photo edited with Kim Klassen's elevate texture, hard light, 20% opacity)
When I had the no good, terrible, horrible stomach flu last week, my husband bought me some 
soft, cozy, new pajamas and a bouquet of sunny yellow mums to sit on my nightstand.
He's good to me like that.

(edited with Kim Klassen's 2303 texture, lighten, 30% opacity)
Today, one little sunny yellow mum in an old ink bottle became my still life subject.
Our new to us house is full of wonderful windows and light, 
whereas our former home had only one good spot for shooting photos.
It's fun getting used to this new blessing!

(edited with Kim Klassen's evolve texture, multiply mode)
On another photography note,  the Apple pro told me that my computer memory
 needs to be bigger to run a big photo editing program like Lightroom. 
 So, until we decide to buy a computer with more memory, I'm still hobbling along, 
but having fun doing so, editing my photos using the subscription version of PicMonkey
 and textures I've collected along the way, mostly from Kim Klassen.

still following,

Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Hope you're feeling better - what a wonderful way to lift your spirits though, clever husband :) #LTTL

    1. I am feeling much, much better! Thanks for popping in!

  2. Great shots! And I like what you've done with Kim Klassen's textures, too.
    Thanks for linking up at

  3. Congratulations to you on your new home, bravo for the extra photography-friendly light. Glad you are feeling better, and don't be discouraged with not having the 'it' editing program, I think you are doing a brilliant job with what you have and as they say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!".

  4. So sorry you were sick, but what a sweet husband!

  5. I hope you're much better today! That was sweet of your husband to do that for you; a blessing of the Lord! I love what you do with Picmonkey and Kim's textures. I think it's more about the quality of the original image than the edit. And you are an excellent photographer! :-)

    1. Your encouragement about my photography means so much!

  6. Oh the simplicity of these shots makes them stunning. And "You Are My Sunshine" is the song I always sang to my kids. And was our mother/son dance at my son's wedding. It holds a special place in my heart. Thanks for joining in at Song-ography and I'm glad to hear you are feeling better!

  7. BOO on stomach flu!

    YAY on wonderful husband, and the yellow sunshine of mums!

    Such pretty and simple and simply pretty photos!


  8. Yellow flowers are my favorite...and I think it's because they are so very sunny. Yes. Love this!

  9. What a sweet husband! The little yellow mum in that ink bottle...wonderful! (I have LR but tried it unsuccessfully and uninstalled it...planning to take Kim's course. Still haven't done that...and I need to do it before this year's Be Still_52 course is finished! How wonderful to have great light in your new home...I would LOVE to have light beyond one narrow window, which is "iffy" now because the sun is so much further south. :-)

    1. Evelyn, your photography is wonderful, even if your the light in your home is less than ideal.

  10. So sorry Elizabeth to hear you had the nasty flu bug......NOT FUN! Bravo to your husband for being the husband that the Lord intended for him to be! I love your little ink bottle with the gorgeous yellow mum......often times with photography, less is more and you've done a wonderful job with this......without Lightroom! Your photography speaks for itself.
    God Bless

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! Your encouragement means a lot!

  11. These are so pretty. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well.

  12. You are going to love Lightroom when you get it. But you also might like Photoshop better to start with, because you can do more of the editing you like with Photoshop. Either way they both use a lot of memory to run well. Besides which you do a pretty terrific job with picmonkey.


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