
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A touch of autumn in our new home...

There are still some unopened boxes tucked into the corners of the living room and our bedroom.
The garage contains other boxes.
At this point I've lost my will to open them and to organize the garage.
I should make myself start tackling that later today.

Most of the unopened boxes are filled with dishes, ironstone, and decor.
In this new to us house, we've chosen to make the small family room off of the kitchen into a large dining room, and to make the formal dining area/living room into one large living room.
That being said,  the fireplace that faces the dining room is being turned around to face the living room, and all of the kitchen, dining room, living room, entry and hallway will be getting new hardwood flooring.
So, there's not a lot of seasonal decorating going on until after these huge projects are completed.

However, I had to add a simple homage to autumn's arrival on the dining table.
I used my new 1761 bread board as the base.
When we were in London I admired a breadboard just like it at Harrod's.
 I was tempted to shlep it home with me on the plane until I saw the price, about $200 U.S.!
Then I noticed it was made in the U.S. A. and had to laugh at me wanting to bring home a souvenir from London and that I picked something made here!

I looked up 1761 bread boards when I got home, and used some birthday money to buy this one.
I love it, and though it was made and purchased here,
 I'll always remember the trip to Harrod's in London where it first caught my eye.

(all photos edited with Kim Klassen's hughes)

still following,
Kim Klassen {dot com}


  1. Hi Elizabeth, this is my first time to your lovely blog. I take it you moved recently, would that be to the US? I love that you were able to find something similar from Harrods, thats always nice and is a nice addition to your new home.

    I would love to have you stop by and join us over at Oh My Heartsie Girls WW Hope that you can stop by.

    Hope to connect again, have a beautiful week!

  2. Lovely photos!
    Thanks for joining at

    1. Thank YOU, for the link up. It's so good to be back after several weeks away.

  3. I love all that wood hanging in the wall behind the table. We're remodeling and it's a total re-do, so over the next 3-4 months, we will be living in a rental (not looking forward to that) before moving back in (looking forward to that!). Remodeling is always exciting, if a little overwhelming.

    1. WoW! You're doing a huge remodel project! Blessings during all of the transition.

  4. Your new bread board is such a good reminder of your days in London. It's perfect on your table and I love the touch of Fall you've added to your new home. Can't wait to see it some day.

    1. I can't wait to see my friend and have her see my new home!

  5. beautoful and soft images :)

    Hi, I found you on Kim Klassens last meme Texture Tuesday. It seem to me she ended it.

    I want to let you know I have a photo art meme and that you are welcome to join if you still creates art. I call it NF DAM as in Digital Art Meme. You can use textures or do anything else if you wish.

    You are welcome to check it out. Last one, opened a few hours ago, is this one:

    1. I miss Texture Tuesday, too! I will check out your link up!

  6. Elizabeth, It's a beautiful board and makes a lovely centerpiece for your table decor. I'm dividing my time between NC & VA, but I'm stumped as to what to use for Autumn decor at the beach house. Any ideas? :-)
    Have a blessed day!!!

    1. Anne, if it was me I would use old jars and bottles in the colors of the sea, with natural elements, like golden dried sea grass, shells, maybe some nuts and some of the small white pumpkins. Then I would warm up the space and add texture with throw blankets and pillows, wicker baskets and wooden trays, totes or trunks and lots of candlelight. I would pick lots of creamy warm neutral colors. You have a great eye for beauty so I know you will create a lovely space. Take photos for me!

  7. I love clunky, wooden antiques - and your breadboard is special! The vignette you created was so nice. Good luck with the projects - they can be stressful. But remember, in the end you will have the *perfect home* in which to put down new roots and create new memories!!


    1. Sharon, I'm excited about making this new to us house a home. It's a blessing, and I intend to enjoy the process.

  8. I love your breadboard wall, Elizabeth, as well as the one used to corral some fall decor. I know you must be enjoying making your new house a home!
    Mary Alice

    1. Mary Alice, I'm finding that our new home has a whole different "vibe" to it than our other home. It will be interesting how that translates into the way I decorate!

  9. Welcome back, beautiful simplicity!

  10. Oh my, who would want to unpack boxes when there is such wonderful photo opps available! It made me giggle to think your bread board, purchased in London was made in the USA! Who would have thought!

  11. We did the exact same room arrangement in our current home. I love thinking outside of the box like that. I cannot put fall out, or Christmas and it makes me excited to see just where we will end up, and to unpack boxes in my "forever" home, maybe. :-) I am so glad to have you back at Life Thru the Lens!

  12. Simply beautiful. I love my board!! Guess who made mine? Robin's husband from www.allthingsheartandhome. They have an etsy shop too. :)

  13. I simply can't wait for more peeks into your new home!


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